Not Bad for a Robot

My family is very sarcastic, and a few years ago found out one of our siblings didn’t understand sarcasm. We all felt like assholes. The other problem is they never told us that they thought we were serious.

I dated someone who couldn’t do sarcasm, and they just said mean things followed by “hahaha just kidding.” Umm

ON the nose!

Make your friend watch Call of the Midwife, I know it’s set in East London, but it’s very convincing illustration about what life without birth control was like.

Bloodhoof is a pretty sexy place then, because trade chat often goes into anal sprees
Anal [Disengage]

Aquavit, not schnapps.

They needed to get into Anal [Insert ability] e.g Anal [Rupture]

Unless this is just a Bloodhoof thing.

Lotus 1-2-3 really upped the game.

Oh fuck, I was once one of those. Luckily, friend talked me out of it. Sometimes I can be so dumb...

I remember the tiers for pledging were unusually expensive.

I hate when they misread shit. They sold me a myomectomy via laparoscopic surgery, but what they actually meant was open laparotomy. One is ‘minimally invasive’ the other in major abdominal surgery. They didn’t understand why I was upset.

I vaguely remember there was an issue with the laser and it was a bit of a death ray.

Having had fibriods removed in what was suppose to be minimal invasive (a 1 inch hole) and then having them removed from a 4 inch hole, it’s not non-invasive. It hurts like fuck, (I have a pretty strong drug resistance) and the recovery isn’t a picnic either. And yes, if you complain you are just whiney. it’s not at


It was honestly one thing not related to my PTSD that really freaked me out in therapy and I was pretty damn pleased I choose not to google any of it. Because Nope. Nope.

I was at a Sci -Fi Speeding dating thing, and this guy was wearing and ET costume his grandma made. He told me he could take the head of his bag t show me, and I was really trying hard not to scream “NO DON’T”

I’m not alone. It use to be so bad that you could just say ET to eight year old me and I’d start screaming. There’s this part where all these scientists and doctors come in haz mat suits and quartine the house, that scene ruined me. Also, ET is a scary looking guy.

I have really bad sleep paralysis, regular nightmares and hallucinate when I wake up regularly. So I’ve seen some pretty fucked up shit that’s not real.

We’re not your friend, pal!

Actually in Vanilla WoW, outta boredom I’d walk around naked (no equipment) in Ironforge on both my male and female toons but yeah I can’t tell you how many guys would swarm and I guess oggle my female toons when I’d /dance in the middle of Ironforge back then.

My guildies thought I was a dude for 3 years, until on vent I said “Can you hear me now?” “OMG YOU’RE A WOMAN, but you know too much about babylon 5!”