I dated a guy that struggled with basic problem solving skills because he was hot. Now if he was a good person, we’d probably still be together, but no he was hot and a shit.
I dated a guy that struggled with basic problem solving skills because he was hot. Now if he was a good person, we’d probably still be together, but no he was hot and a shit.
It’s nice to talk to someone who feels the same way. I was beginning to drown in all that ‘sex positivity’.
Yup, I’ve been accused of not being sex positive because of it. It’s not in me to do one night stands, to have sex everyday, and that doesn’t make me a bad person. I get to hear lot’s of stupid stuff from people when they find out I haven’t had sex in like 2 years and I don’t miss it. I miss things like kissing,…
Ya, I got 2 and I probably won’t get much higher than that and you feel the judgement. I’ve been told I’m wasting my time, what am I, a prude? what’s wrong with you, or if they had my body they’d use it. I’m just not that interested and that’s an acceptable answer
It turned my surface pro 2 inside out. I spent about 5 hours on the phone with Microsoft and the damn thing wouldn’t even boot. Not with a boot key, not with anything.
They tell you to buy a new computer. That’s their solution.
Prime Dork, or Prime Minister Dork.
But I really wanted this to work so I could give my old fuck wad of gynecologist my uterus.
I was wondering what was so negative to make them refuse. I’ve had plenty of bad experiences in Canadian healthcare, I have PTSD from it, so I can understand avoiding it for myself, but not for a child. Hell, when had Bell’s Palsy, I still went to the ER to double check it wasn’t a stroke.
What negative experience could you have with the healthcare system to make you think that those juices or whatever are a better idea?
It’s kinda like finding the flavour of dirt you like. Apparently I like the ones that taste like wet moss and then someone blew nice second hand smoke in my mouth.
I’m pretty sure that my heart grew a few sizes with joy the more and more I imagined it. I am gonna sleep well tonight.
My terrible answer: to give it to my male gynecologist so he wouldn’t be such a fuck wad and would maybe understand that shit fucking hurts. I want that asshole to loose a litre of blood, every month for 8 months and then let me laugh at him and tell him he’s imagining it.
I saw it when it was playing at a local university. No kids. 17-60s year olds all misty eyed.
One of my co-workers survived polio with a withered limb, my other co-worker is an anti-vaxxer makes sure not to discuss anti-vaxxing around my other colleague.
Pretty much what they told me, and to get pregnant as soon as I could!
Do one about Bubble Guppies. The one where they take the whale the hospital I was trying so hard not to start screaming at the tv.
Still three. I had similar gig when I was a marker/grader. it would only spawn twice a semester, but it was busy.
Same boat as you. I thought I had it rough with 2 jobs, one factory and one as an adjunct. Factory work pays better and has benefits.
Nemesis should be lower or forgotten about.