
Steve Bannon looks like the right wing nut job who is going to dictate policy for the next 4 years because the left smugly made fun of Trump’s appearance instead of running a campaign that appealed to voters who cared more about things that mattered to them than a person’s appearance, many of whom are old and ugly

Steve Bannon looks like the birthday clown that has a restraining order to not be within 100 yards of a Chuck E. Cheese.

Steve Bannon looks like the guy who tells you he just smoked his last cigarette and asks to bum one off of you, but forgot that everyone in the bar knows he has never bought a pack of cigarettes in his entire life

Steve Bannon looks like a negative of James Brown’s mugshot.

you do not need a doctor. you need anyone with irish ancestry who’s lost a grandparent to cirrhosis. basically the only question is if his liver or his heart is going to kill him.

Steve Bannon looks like a mall Santa who got fired for beard lice.

Steve Bannon is the only other customer at Waffle House at 3 am when you and your drunk friends arrive.

The GOP has in no uncertain terms usurped the democracy of this country and is being applauded for it by people that claim to relish the Constitution, all in the name of Stigginit. The left will struggle and whine and vote against him, the right will push Gorsuch through, and the rest of us will pray that RGB makes it

Looks like MacGyver got stung by a bee and forgot his epipen.

Yea saw this one coming when I was working there on and off last year. So anyone want to start a new national chain to take in their lost customers?

Gamestop: For people who haven’t learned about

And your company deducts all those expensive tickets as a business expense. If not for that, I guarantee you and your laptop would be stuck in coach with the rest of us.

Another way of looking at this is that your customers are subsidizing your jet-setting lifestyle, your capacious legroom, and your wide seats.

It’s easy enough for me to believe that there are cpb agents who do indeed believe all those things. They are very unpleasant people, but the unpleasantness isn’t contingent on those beliefs, the power they hold over non citizens is most of it. Anything else is just icing. So yeah I don’t believe the author of that

Can you get them to Turkey or somewhere in Europe, first? And get a lawyer asap.

This has been the worst week of my entire life. Bar none.

I have two friends, a married couple from Australia, who work in the tech sector. They’re afraid they’re next. They were expecting green card status this year but now they’re not sure if they’ll be able to get them. Neither of them are Muslim.

My father and sister are stuck in in Yemen, so... yeah. My life is ruined.

Ive been affected. ...I have a heart and it’s constantly being broken by the hateful-in-chief.