
The problem with this, as with all politics, is that it is impossible to assemble a large enough group of people to actually accomplish anything without first selling out.

I actually liked his Primary protest. He was trying to change the broken system the Democrats built for themselves this year, something most people thought he was just being an annoying sore loser about...but in hindsight he was mostly right about.

A Socialist vs a Fascist. You may be right, but at least they would have been more fun to watch than the scary debates we actually had to watch. Bernie waving his right hand around and Trump with his fake predator stalking?

Same here. Started in news and ended up in sports. I got info off the record once from someone who came to me with a story. I only accepted it because it was info that I could conceivably have gotten on my own (they just pointed me in the right direction), so I wouldn’t have to answer questions about a source, etc.

The real question is whether the public have the media literacy and civic literacy to even be alarmed at this. I think the answer is no, and has been for some time. Trump is taking advantage of this preexisting vulnerability.

It’s not a coincidence that Trump is significantly more threatened by SNL and Seth Meyers than by anyone in the so-called mainstream media.

Cheetos would have been too ironic, perhaps.

Aaron Persky.

If I may add another vile piece of shit to the list, a vile piece of shit who’s taking up too much oxygen and absolutely refuses to go away, George Zimmerman. This year, he once again crawled out of whatever sewer he lives in and decided to taunt Trayvon Martin’s parents.

I’m not disputing that. Yup, a phone call would have ended it. But their attempts at twisting this into some sort of moral endeavor from the get-go is kinda bullshit.

all the worst motherfuckers on twitter are the dipshits with the blue checks and handles like our thinkfluencer up there. dickhead’s been on twitter since the start and he’s like “oh come on guys you’re blaming ME?!” like he doesn’t know how twitter works.

They have presidential potential.

has that little verified check mark, and therefore cannot tweet lies without going to Twitter Jail

I really thought this would just be a link to Trump’s Twitter account.

I live in the land of three to four deer/car accidents a day so I say the fewer deer the better. If NYC wants some more, we can accommodate.

So this is where the buck stops.

Well, obviously not that specific incident because America in general has very selective amnesia about it’s own embarrassing history, but Alabama is mostly known for racism in general. Having the best BBQ in the country is a sidenote, unfortunately.

You’re right. I should totally give the benefit of the doubt to a bunch of accused rapists facing no real punishment for their alleged actions. They are still on scholarship at a great university, they are facing no criminal charges as of yet, etc. The “F this “team”” remark is directed at the other players boycotting

I fly from the US to Singapore and back fairly frequently. I prefer to arrive in Singapore at night, take a shower, and go to bed. I get up at a normal time and start my day. When getting back to the US, I prefer to arrive in the early morning, have a good breakfast, take a shower, then a 2 hour nap in the