“I don’t know how anyone expects Americans to choose between that”
“I don’t know how anyone expects Americans to choose between that”
Didn’t you hear, she was going to take away all of your guns. Just like Obama did...in both of his terms. He took away so many guns, you now have negative guns. And “Killary” was going to take away even more. That’s like double negative guns!!!!! And don’t forget she’s a lying crooked liar! And saint Trump is a beacon…
Hillary is practically a Republican but was in the high 90% of overlap with Sanders on issues/votes. Makes sense.
“I’m not a racist. I’m just okay with all the racist shit he said, because he promised to bring back the factory jobs that are never coming back. And if he has to slash my benefits, give tax breaks to the wealthy, destroy our reputation abroad, and promote the further destruction of the environment, so be it.”
Remember when the Democratic president made FOX news illegal? Me neither.
Which of my freedoms was Hillary promising to restrict?
No. He’s our President. Don’t let the right use this as an excuse to say we’re being petulant.
Let me repeat that.
What’s especially useful about you guys is that you make it so easy to spot you.
Money money money MONEHHHH, MONEY!
This just shows that the trope that Jews ‘control the media’ is bullshit. If we control it, how come people are talking about *Nazis* like it’s just another point of view? WTFFFFFFF
We’re so unbelievably fucked.It doesn’t change what we have to do to unfuck ourselves.
When “we” (a term I must now use even MORE loosely than before, courtesy of the 2016 elections) decide to elect an openly sexist, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, belligerent, arrogant, ignorant, obnoxious, lying, two-faced, oaf (I could go on...with amply video and audio evidence in support of every…
I’ve wondered for a while if it might be time to put the whole “Leader of the Free World” shit behind you and with Trump now going to be President I think the ship has sailed.
Once again.. not sure how many “flipped from Obama to Trump” as opposed to flipped Hilary off by not voting.
There’s going to be a much bigger purge of this when there’s no wall built, no jobs brought back, no ban on Muslims and all the other pipe dream policies Trump built his campaign on.
It’s amazing to me how quickly the “mainstream media” has normalized this shit. Not even two weeks after the election, and still months before he’s sworn in, and fucking CNN is already waffling on whether it’s really fair to expect the leader of the free world to alienate his base by confirming that he doesn’t think…
Wait- he’s said he’s running for president, but he doesn’t vote?
I prefer my exploitation of vulnerable people when they’re not famous, like Hoarders and Intervention, thank you very much!