Everybody has to just stop reading Trumps tweets. Once he realizes he’s being ignored, he’ll stop sending tweets and he’ll start having press conferences like every other leader in the goddamn world.
Everybody has to just stop reading Trumps tweets. Once he realizes he’s being ignored, he’ll stop sending tweets and he’ll start having press conferences like every other leader in the goddamn world.
Hi zak, I don’t know how old you are, so pardon me for the history lesson. If you recall back when Bush #1 was President, he wanted to go after Saddam Hussein in the first Desert War with Iraq. But they ended things with Hussein still in power and it was a thorn in Bush #1's side forever more. Also Bush #1 was good…
The guy says: You know you’re in perilous times when you find yourself cheering for Comcast. So true & sad!
Tweets aren’t news, and they’re not federal laws. They’re just Trump’s verbal masturbation. It’s safe to ignore them.
I think he filed it with Trump’s tax returns.
Gosh, this is very encouraging. The letter is well-written and covers a lot of info/detail in depth. I hope the right people in Congress see it before it’s too late.
Why did we go to war against Iraq when they had nothing to do with 9/11? The terror was all from Saudi Arabians.
And fuck if I’ve ever going to PRAY for a TV show. I don’t care if it stars Jesus himself.
If anything Walmart will step in before trade collapses between US - China. The Walton family have a lot more $$ to lose than Trump ever saw.
We haven’t had peace since the beginning of W.’s presidency. So how does anybody know what peace is? We’ve forgotten all that stuff.
Here’s the biggest irony of all - 9/11 was done by Saudi terrorists. (Probably not backed by the Saudi King/government.) When did we go to war against Saudi Arabia? Oh that’s right. What did Obama have to do with any of that? Oh that’s right.
We’re already halfway down the rabbit hole, aren’t we?
No they should be fine. Australia is not even on the list of countries and it won’t ever be. Especially if they work in the tech-field probably their employers can sponsor them for green cards, if nothing else.
Kimberley I’m so very sorry! I hope your father and sister can maintain their courage. This will be over in 4 years. We have to get rid of Trump in the next election. We’re going to fix this because we have to. Good luck to you and your family.
The Republicans of the Senate failed to do their job for a solid year, and yet, they still collected their paychecks. Why is that? Why did they get paid for doing nothing? None of us are allowed to do that, assuming that no Republican Senators are reading Concourse right now.
Yes I caught that too. “Dole” is more of a British word than something an American would say. Whoever wrote that piece is more anti-Obama than anything else. Doesn’t sound like a CBP employee either, unless maybe he’s out chasing Mexicans on the Rio Grande or something. It’s hard to say.
Kirkaiya, in actuality this stupid Trump-wall will be paid for by American taxpayers, not American consumers. There is a difference. I’m trying to find out how I can make sure none of my tax money goes towards the stupid Trump-wall, but I haven’t found it yet.
He could also use a barber and trainer.
It can’t come soon enough!
Yes Goebbels was loyal but he was also crazy just like his boss. These guys are looking for a way to collect some dough from people who want to do business in Trump’s USA. They’re probably already calling on the Saudis, the Chinese, and the Germans. If that doesn’t work, there’s still plenty of money in the Koch…