
Women are disgusting and weird. I don’t like them. When they won’t sleep with me, they’re prudes. When they do, they’re sluts.

Just an FYI to all y’all... although you can watch this show for free on the Lifetime website, you should consider supporting it. It’s on Amazon instant video in HD for $25 or so. I bought the season even though I already am watching it for free.

Let’s not hamstring this by saying it’s for one gender versus another! This show is GREAT. It’s smart, it’s quick, and holy shit is it ever dark. I wish it were a bit lighter - a bit more of a piss-take of the reality genre would be great - but I love it. And so does my husband.

Holy crap are tastes ever subjective. Shawn is the antithesis of my type - I don’t find him good looking or attractive at all. I didn’t find any of the men this season particularly hot, but, I’d say Shawn is probably the last one on my list out of all of them.

...I would have said rosebuds.

I left my lawyerin’ pants at my other bridge, but, I believe the idea behind this is to protect these kids under the law. Rather than, you know, allowing the schools to let teachers decide to not teach gay kids and stuff.

I was a huge fan of his after watching him on Shark Tank - he’s the only one among them that’s even close to intelligent on tech rather than lucky on tech (just talking about tech here). But after watching more, I think his tech knowledge is poor; much like the metaphorical stopped clock, he’s right twice a day.

I am a lifelong Harry Potter hater, and even *I* love JK Rowling.

I hate Harry Potter (sorry). I tried to read the books several times, but failed each time as at least the first one is definitely a kid’s book. People tell me they do get better, and that’s awesome. I’m glad it exists, but I just have no interest in it. I have _really_ tough standards for literature, though.

Marketing also performs tasks like determining the effective timeline for releases.

I loved Sera. She was legitimately funny without being a fishmalk.

What the hell is “dust” and why does this clueless rich man think it’s going to be a thing?

Boy, that’s stupid.

I really don’t think that women winning will be any sort of snub to Trump. They are still choosing to compete, and therefore support, Donald Trump’s empire. I respect that some of them might be counting on this money, but don’t lie about it.

Or, for a more recent example, see the comment thread on any of Anita Sarkeesan’s videos. It’s exactly the same thing: you don’t belong here, you have no business trying to do something that’s only for white men, you’re filthy, shut up, go away, and stop challenging my worldview.

I believe you have to wait until you can declare the paint can legally dead. Was it green paint? Those are the worst.

You just succinctly captured my fear about the whole mess.

THANK YOU! I started skimming after the second tortured metaphor about “flashing your Casper”. The article’s point is just fine - it’s supposed to be a bit of awkward navel-gazing. I think the meandering style works, too, for this kind of article.

I think he’s just a business man who knows his audience.

Eating contests are a weird relic of an era when waste and excess were admirable.