I am a woman and I realized a couple of years ago that I don’t apologize when I’m involved in a bump. I didn’t consciously choose to stop saying sorry; I just (just!) sort of outgrew it. I don’t know when exactly I stopped saying it.
I am a woman and I realized a couple of years ago that I don’t apologize when I’m involved in a bump. I didn’t consciously choose to stop saying sorry; I just (just!) sort of outgrew it. I don’t know when exactly I stopped saying it.
Except the site isn’t for people running a legit b&b and are doing exactly what you claim you despise.
For a b&b to be legal, they have to register with the city and get a permit to do so i.e. inform their neighbors that the place is a b&b and not a private residence.
I would like for everyone who has a child 5 and under to bring them to the wedding.
Fuck the bullshit ideals of our society that led you to believe that a wedding day is the pinnacle of a woman’s time on earth and that because you decided to throw a big party, everyone around you must bend to your wishes.
Nobody could ever be worse to their staff than the two crazy narcissists at Amy’s Baking Company. Remember that horrorshow?
And this isn’t snotty one percenters not tipping, this is thinking they’re tipping and the money not going where it was intended. I can see a very persuasive fraud case built against these assholes.
I had the pleasure of interviewing a young woman who had gone to one of those Christian “colleges”.
Calmly, calmly... there’s still hope they will be convicted for the gang rape that they were caught on tape doing.
I’m right there with you, but I’m praying that if there is a mistrial they simply start over. I am praying that these monsters will go to prison for a long, long, long time.
You do not have to answer these questions publically, or even at all. You can simply state that you believe you have a bias that may potentially impact your ability to be impartial. If they question you, you can choose to share or no - but you’ve registered your complaint.
What really frosts my cupcakes is the relative cost of sports in colleges. Since women are not allowed to play collegiate sports such as football, hockey, lacrosse, baseball, etc, colleges spend FAR more money on the male students. Even averaged out amongst non-athletes, the fact is that American universities lavish…
As frustrating as this is, it’s pretty much true. The top-end athletes for females simply do not have the height, muscle mass, bone length, tendon strength, etc, that top-end male athletes have.
Because we live in a society that values free speech - which this is. I can get in trouble if I assault you verbally, or make a credible threat. I’m guessing they don’t think this is a threat...
(Editor’s Note: There exist absolutely no circumstances in which a customer should ever try to initiate a conversation with a restaurant employee about how they can do a better job. Ever. Even if they are terrible. Anyone who does this—without possible exception—is an asshole)
Interesting - I didn’t know that. I assumed (like many others, I suppose) that the flag had been there for hundreds of years.
Well said on all fronts. Everyone is entitled to a zealous and vigilant defense. Everyone.
Many many people don’t want to think about women having, or enjoying sex.
I appreciate what you’re saying. Keep in mind that this is a potentially difficult and dangerous attitude, though. Like racism, sexism is incredibly insidious. Like living in a jungle, the danger doesn’t really come from the big predators you can see. They get a lot of screen time, relatively speaking, but more way…
They just don’t... think about it. Honestly, it’s that simple.