
FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!

Amen, brother. Have a good one, sir.

Had a girlfriend who was really into their ballady-shit, so that was my first exposure to them (around 1984). We broke up, I stopped listening to them, and then a few years later I was hanging with a friend and he suggested playing some Chicago. I burst out laughing (he almost punched me), and then he started

It really was. david Foster didn't do the band any long-term favours, either…

There were essentially 3 versions of Chicago - the Terry Kath band (which was fucking awesome), Cetera's era (less said about that, the better), and the post Cetera years (when they were trying to recover from Cetera turning them into a saccharine-sweet ballad band).

I got into Matt Good when "Hello Time Bomb" was included on the Big Shiny Tunes volume du jour and absolutely loved it. Fell in love with the band. Each album was amazing, and Matt's solo work is unbelievable. I had managed to get a bootleg copy of "Hospital Music" a month before it's release (which was also a