
Ack, NOW I see it. Sorry for that.

Free Shellfish University

Exactly! Not even one mention of Barrack Hussein Obummer.

Fair points. However, there was certainly something going on with Pruitt, you are right. Apparently, he had a, ahem, fondness for coeds, and his wife was not too happy about that. So, when the $$$ came from UGA, he bolted. (All of this is alleged, of course).

I did read the entire NYT article. I have also read every article on this site and many others. Let me get one thing straight: I agree with you that the prevalent attitude among what appears to be many is to first question the accuser rather than the accused. I also feel that the investigation was incompetent at best.

Why? There have been four high profile incidents in the last twenty years (Gibson, Travis Johnson, Greg Dent, and Winston). Three were arrested, Gibson is in for life, Greg Dent will be going away for a long time. The Johnson situation (similar to the Winston situation) was a he said/she said situation. Meggs pushed,

Interesting that PC gamers outnumber PS4, PS3, XB1 combined, and almost XB360 as well.

Incorrect. The author of the NYT piece claimed that FSU was unwilling to discuss the case. The statement from FSU clearly spells out why they could not speak more than they did. Further, you obviously have a beef here, or some other bias. Believe what you will. I am not an FSU fan that screams that Winston is pure as

Barry, the University has released a formal response to the article. In the interests of objectivity, perhaps you should update your article with the salient points from their response?

This is a very clear, concise, and objective comment. I went to FSU in the late 80's so I am obviously a fan, but this whole case should have been handled differently. One hopes that their alma mater will do the right thing, but at least in this case it appears that the school will do "just enough".

This saddens me as

Agreed, it is truly a world-class strike.

Yeah, I have 230GB free, and it's showing as 38% used, which means that the usable storage on my non-replaceable 500GB drive is really only 370GB. So, about that external storage...

One of these kids is not like the others...

Paraphrasing: "Thjs is Amurica! Speak Amurican!!"
et al

+1 Mons (BITD)


The National Liberty Foundation is a Florida-based group

Ah, good point wrt CIV. I honestly did not remember that Drogba and Toure were from that nation.

Group C would like a word... who out of Greece, Ivory Coast or Japan will challenge Colombia?

Also, why would Auburn have "been favored going into overtime"? By what metric do you infer that? Momentum? Perhaps. Total lack of a kicking game from Bama? Sure. That does not mean that Bama would not have been able to score, multiple times, from 25 yards out.