
I never, at no point, said that Auburn "sucks". That's pedestrian talk. Auburn is obviously a very good team, because teams that suck don't beat Bama and others. That said, they still lost, pretty badly, earlier in the season to 3 loss LSU. They stepped up, in the biggest way on the biggest stage, to win their rivalry

It also ignores some pretty significant intangibles.

Are you really defending TMZ?

Of course, Winston is 6' 4" (half a foot taller than the suspect), and this is TMZ, so a particularly large grain of salt should be considered.

You can't plug in an external drive... at all.

Florida's record is 4-3.

I found it interesting that there was an unmistakably European flavor to the add. Most of the users had Euro accents. I am sure that this is intentional, to combat the (probably deserved) feel that the XBox is US Centric

Actually, the game is F2P (with one character, Jago). You can buy other characters for $5 or a pack of 8 characters for $20.

From the linked NeoGAF post:

That's not a glitch, it's a feature. ;)

Now playing

I love the little hat-tips to the original Wing Commander. Does this look familiar?

Every week, new M-rated games are released. Some are more of an M than others. I have no problem letting my kids watch me play M-rated games like Halo, Skyrim, and Fable. Then there are the games like Duke Nukem, Saints Row, and Grand Theft Auto, which are the very reason I am writing this letter today.

However an interception in the end zone, or a punt return that begins in the end zone, is officially a 100 yard return. (In college at least, I know that the pros go up to 109 for returns) Just seems a bit odd.

So, how was this only a 99 yard return? Ignoring the fact that his knee was down when he grabbed the ball, didn't he start in the end zone?

At least SOMEONE got the reference.

Exactly this. For this to work, you would obviously need an always-on internet connection, and your PS4 would have to be in a low-power (but on) state (sleep mode).

Wait, how is the AUTHOR greyed out? Kinja, you worry me.

He's also on The Indoor Kids podcast with his wife Emily. It's a pretty hilarious video games podcast. And he's a stand up comedian who just had a special air on Comedy Central this weekend.

And you did it so well! (No snark, nicely played)

Seeing as I am dating a Russian, that is basically not possible for them. They are pretty chill when it comes to crazy shit.