
As a former Orlandoan, both this guy and his partner-in-reverence Mike Bianchi have never let their candles for Tebow go out. They have both been on the Holy Cock since the kid was a junior in High School. I was not surprised in the least to see that it was Diaz who penned this tripe.

Ironically, all churches in the US operate as tax-exempt entities.

Thank you for that. I too have enjoyed Kotaku for a while now, but the piling on, while ignoring any benefits of the system, was tiring. Only Stephen Totillo seemed to have any sort of objectivity (and don't get me started on Luke Plunkett). They fed into the bullshit, just as bad as NeoGaf and others.

Wrong. I am a consumer. I have kids. They don't live with me. With both current consoles, if I buy a game, and would like the kids to be able to play it, I have to wait until I see them again, then give them the physical media. At which time I can no longer play the game. Also, quite often, actually, if I did let them

Precisely. Short-sighted wins the day.

Exactly. That's what I am most disappointed about. Bad PR / marketing aside, there were some true innovations in the XB1. Of course, people are afraid of change, so we have what happened here.

It did kill it. From the release:

Not most likely. It did kill it. From the release:

This. Additionally, those of us that really didn't have a problem with DRM and always online lost what I thought was the BEST new feature... the ability to share our games, whether disc based or digital downloads, with our friends and family. That was a groundbreaking idea that the noisy ones completely ignored.

Confirmed: Family Sharing is now dead. As is full installs to the Hard Drive. So, quick game swapping is also dead. To wit:

Well, South Carolina, Canada... they're pretty close, right? Almost neighbors...

Technically three words though ;P

"The Iraq" is perhaps the best two-word quote ever. Those who know it, know it.

Exactly. Back in the day, I worked at Electronics Boutique. This is when Street Fighter came out for the Super Nintendo and was $74.99. People FREAKED. And, we sold out on day one.

Wow. So well done. +1

See, this kind of response is just silly. It's legitimately a GOOD feature, one that no one has had before. That said, instead of taking the mature route and acknowledging this, you have to go the Tin-Foil Hat route of "a good way to track and entire family". That's hilarious, bro.

Heh. I am pretty sure I will be enjoying games on my "not a gaming console" come November. Among other things.

No illusions. From Microsoft:

Wish that were true. Would love some extra income...