Origin. You know, the PC interface that you need to play EA games? Jesus.
Origin. You know, the PC interface that you need to play EA games? Jesus.
Not really sure what the hell you are talking about now, so have a great day. Believe what you will.
Answered you on another thread...
If it makes you feel better: I am not being paid directly or indirectly by microsoft for writing these comments and/or endorsing any microsoft product in any way.
Let's try some actual facts and logic that you could have used:
When did I ever say I was a casual gamer? Or are you trying to cleverly troll me?
Which facts and logic are you talking about?
I agree with everything you just said, actually. You make some very valid points, especially with regard to building the goodwill. IIRC, Steam was met with a TON of resistance as well, but they did it right.
Look, the adults are talking here. Why don't you go run along now, mkay?
You said:
Not paid by MS, but your accusation sums up who you are. So, with PS4, if you have 1 copy of a game and 2 PS4s, you are saying that you can both play that game, at the same time? I have not seen that mentioned anywhere. Don't you need the disk in the machine? That's my point, you don't need the disk. Therefore, I can…
Ok, with this, you exposed yourself as a fool. 'Night.
Wrong. I can share my games with my kids, for ZERO dollars (the kids already have Gold access). This is a huge deal that the media is ignoring. Right off the bat, there's an advantage (for me).
You do realize, right, that MS does not get a single penny from used game sales? No? Well, that's the case.
No, it's not, because (apparently) the Kinect has the voice processing software. Seriously though, until you actually use voice commands in something like Skyrim or even Netflix, you don't realize how cool it is.
Exactly this. I am an Old, I have about 20 games on Steam that I haven't even started yet (Dog bless the Steam Sale) and have 2 360s. I started gaming on the Atari 2600 and have had most consoles since. I also love my Kinect. Apparently, though, I am not a "gamer". Whatever. (By the way, I already pre-ordered my…
Wrong. I am not a fanboy, but I LOVE the Kinect. Love the voice commands. Love seeing PS3/PC users bitching about not having voice commands in Skyrim, even though they have a microphone.
See my post above in response to Sudoku7. The voice commands alone in Skyrim were awesome. With developers knowing that every XB1 owner has a Kinect, I can only imagine that there will be far more instances of this.
Gotta argue with you on this one. The Kinect voice commands in Skyrim are flat-out awesome. Want to change weapons? Voice command (no pause, scroll, equip, unpause). Dragon shouts? Done. Quick Save? Done. Quick Map? Done. Honestly, it's a total pain in the ass when I go to play in the bedroom (no Kinect) because I…
Sounds like a pretty good strategy, that.