How about the xbox one uses windows as OS and it's always on in the background even when you think the console is off
How about the xbox one uses windows as OS and it's always on in the background even when you think the console is off
All these commenters saying "my Internet connection is fine!" are missing the point. Next time Xbox Live goes down (and it happens a few times every year) you won't be able to play anything. Your end of the connection is only the final part of the line.
I see the "20 year" argument often, and I believe it to be flawed for 2 reasons:
You probably also have a lot of people who fit into one of these categories:
Agreed. Part of me wants to take a bunch of screen caps of all the people predicting gloom and doom, or that they aren't buying this or that console, then compare comment sections once the systems release.
Uhhh, no. 9 might have been in an offsides position (tough to tell from the angle) but was not in the play in any way. Not even close to offsides.
That looks... and sounds... AMAZING! I bought FS2 on GOG a couple months ago, NEED to look into this!
Many folks have brought up the idea that Sony is "waiting until E3 to see what MS does, and will then tack accordingly", or something in that vein. I have to think that this is naive. Something this game-changing, that would affect consumers, publishers, and retailers alike isn't dreamed up in a vacuum.
I am quite interested/excited. I have a Kinect now, and I have kids. The kids love the Kinect games, I love the ability to use voice commands in Netflix, Amazon Video, etc. They also did a great job with the voice commands in Skyrim, making inventory management and equipment / spell switching pretty seamless.
I thank you for keeping your side of this discussion civil. One of the first things that I thought of would be how cool it would be to be able to Skype with my son (who lives with his mom) while we watch a football game together. On the same screen. Using a voice command to get it going. I know that there are ways…
Well, we haven't even seen a PS4 yet either.
That's a very good point, and one I had not considered. I don't know that development houses would even want to spend the resources on developing extras for one console. I am not a developer, nor do I know the ins and outs, but I have to imagine that the "core" game is developed, then coded for each system?
Thanks, that is pretty much what I think as well. Are there issues? Sure there are. Do we have all the answers? Nope. That said, I will wait and see what MS has to say about the outstanding issues. I have no question that the hardware will be up to snuff. Hell, just the idea that I can plug in ANY USB3.0 terabyte hard…
I think that you may be missing out on a sub-section here. I am an avid gamer (Xbox and PC) and ALSO a tech guy who digs the idea of convergence. Honestly, I am intrigued, but I certainly don't hate the system, at least not yet.
Fair enough, although they did show Forza, Madden, FIFA, CoD and Basketball. They also said that they will show "a lot more" at E3.
That's just it though, it WAS NOT a reveal of a GAME CONSOLE. Micorsoft has had a strategy to get "into the living room" for at least a decade. This is their next BIG step towards that.
Actually, just your opinion as well. And one can speak the truth without coming across as an ass. But carry on...
Dude, I was just pointing out my personal issue with what you said. I am pretty sure that I did it in a respectful manner. You have, honestly, come across as kind of a prick throughout this thread. Again, just my opinion, but I AM entitled to that. Have a great day!
One other point... to claim that the devs made "the only money they are entitled to with the first sale" is a bit disingenuous. If I create IP, I would feel "entitled" to ANY monies related to the sale of that IP. I think that MS's plan would do just that, by allowing after-market sales while still getting some money…
Ok, here's MY $.02...