Agreed, and I feel like the $70 price point may already be here, we just don't know it yet. Neither Sony nor Microsoft has mentioned what games will cost, I would not be surprised, at all, to see next-gen titles going for $70.
Agreed, and I feel like the $70 price point may already be here, we just don't know it yet. Neither Sony nor Microsoft has mentioned what games will cost, I would not be surprised, at all, to see next-gen titles going for $70.
I agree 100%, and am somewhat holding out hope that this is exactly what could happen with Microsoft's used game "strategy". Don't know if it will, but one can hope, right? Right?
I saw Tron, Qbert, Tempest and the original Star Wars. I'm in!
Warning, this is long... but there are a lot of points to cover.
It's supposed to, but sometimes they forget, so I gently remind them...
Honestly, I prefer Papa Johns to either, although sometimes a Pizza Hut pan hits the spot. Dominos I can do without, although I have not had them since they changed up the menu. Make sure to get the garlic butter sauce (on the side) if you do try PJs
Well played.
Ouch. As a Cowboys fan AND FSU alum, that may just be the nail that ended my 35 year fandom of the team. It was bad enough when Jerruh brought in Jimmy Johnson, but at least he WON. This is an evil of which proper people should not speak...
Yes! Was going to post this as well. Their reaction when they finally make the shot is awesome.
Never imply ownership of the dildo. Always use the indefinite article... a dildo, never your dildo.
This, right here, is hilarious. Thanks for that!
What I find interesting in this whole scenario is the variance in coverage of the issue among the gaming websites. Kotaku has had daily articles about the mess that this launch is.
Well, except that the Cowboys have sucked for quite a while now...
+1, excellent!
Good point. Also, my kids live with their mom, and they are ALWAYS taking my games over there to play. How would that work?
The problem, as I see it, is this: I have 2 Xbox. I often play games on both (one is in the bedroom, one in the living room). Unless they tie the activation codes to my GamerTag (like they do with DLC and Download games) would I be SOL if I want to have 2 of the new systems?
Well played.
Wow. Well done. +1
Amazing work guys. It will be very interesting to see how TWWL, SI, and others spin this... If they talk about it at all.