Nyet, nyet, nyet my little pirogi.
Nyet, nyet, nyet my little pirogi.
We’re going to smash the system as soon as we’re done with our happy meal.
The same thing happened with the Lorelai Gilmore character.
I feel the odd need to have the movie High Fidelity on in the background as I read every comment here.
Pence and Ryan actually scare me more than Trump.
Between voter suppression and gerrymandering I am not holding out much hope for 2018. I am very happy to hear folks talking about 3rd and 4th and 5th parties, that is a huge part of a solution. I foresee the current business as usual being the business as usual for the foreseeable future.
Trump took that state at almost a 2:1 ratio over Clinton.
I think that if one takes the time to post something like this then it’s quite probably more than “just kidding” or a “Freudian slip.”
Thanks a lot for this, it reminded me a lot of the Studs Terkel book “Working.”
Chuck Barris recruited her. He took that secret to the grave and now it can be told.
It is my understanding that the Trump Presidential Library has signed a non-disclosure agreement.
I never had the opportunity to talk to the guy but ran into him in a hallway at GenCon when it was at Lake Geneva, he was going somewhere in a huge hurry and picking his nose.
Release.....the Kracken!
Out of town, just visiting a cousin for a few weeks.
Here’s what they need to do:
We need to look at more numbers than how many people are killed here by cops but also how many are killed by cops elsewhere. Guess what, we’re with the leaders of the pack!
I’m not defending the pol here, but a person of his income level doesn’t think about the process of going to a doctor this way. You just go regularly right as rain and if anything odd manifests then you go sooner than an annual.
I’ve been saying the same thing for years now, appending to the willful ignorance that they’re proud of it.