
Her US film resume isn’t that great. Speilberg wanted her for “Jurassic Park” (uh, riiiiiighhhht) and I think the high point of that is “The English Patient” with ends up for a lot of people a love/hate thing. The 80's films that she did though are pretty solid and her work in Kieslowski’s “Blue”.....

Many Juliette Binoche movies, probably the worst being “Dan in Real Life.”

Bounty hunters. We don’t need that scum.

Their jobs are protected via voter suppression and gerrymandering.

And the, er....bang for our buck/return on investment is awful.

Yup, we’re totally on the same page. Joseph is evil lite & if you want menace (or just an all around much better actor) bring on his big brother.

David Lynch isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

How are the actual ratings on this? My wife and I like the source material and haven’t watched an episode, it’s just too damn depressing enough as it is in this country right now for us to consider this as ‘’diversionary entertainment.”

It’s also the biggest welfare program the US has running.

It’s like having Gwenyth Goopy Paltrow as first daughter.

I know! Great tactical move, refer condescendingly to the people that you’re asking to vote for you so that you in turn may make decisions that will affect their day-to-day lives. Elitist, moi?

The deplorable comment. The next day I went to work and talked with the other lib here and said she just lost the election.

Don’t forget some of the newer members of the club, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Reading this all I could think was that an Alex Jones Gwenyth Paltrow health products merger CAN’T be far away.

I didn’t really follow her career much either & found this article interesting from the perspective of why the trepidation about the movie? Maybe the estate is dithering around about making their own but if that’s the reason it seems silly, the movie, as described here, sounds fairly reverent. Was she bi-/gay?

There is an Erin Moran who is a musician, she only did one album but it is fantastic. Her recording name was “A Girl Called Eddy” and her one and only album was done with Richard Hawley (a UK musician who worked in Pulp and is sorta the musical love child of Ennio Morricone and Roy Orison).

“...there is an idea of a Donald Trump, Jr., some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there.”

and then, later, some toe tapping in the men’s room.

I hear banjos.

What doesn’t sit well with me is that he would still be there if it wasn’t for an expose from an outside agency that these settlements kept happening.