
One of our ship’s 60s crashed in sunny weather, off the coast of SD. Dropped out of the sky next to our ship.

What the hell does the 5.4 stand for?

He would>

I read his book. I respect his salesman attitude, but he would never have made it in today’s internet world. I am really impressed someone else sold that many cars! Congrats to them.

They even do well in the snow! Ask me how I know ;)

The Pilot A/S 3 tires on my GT500 are actually better on track than the Goodyear Summer tires that came with it. They are called Ultra High Performance All Season Tires for a reason.

Watching that drain was like going pee and standing there for a full minute, pondering how much more could possibly come out.

Alfa Romeo does most Alfa Romeo thing.

The supercharger on that is bigger than most engines in cars today. 4.freakin 5 liters of Whhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Don’t knock FB Marketplace. I sold my Ducati in less than 24hrs on a forum there :)

I would have overpaid for my GT500. In fact, I was about to buy a lesser one for more $$ when I sort of fell into the horse trade that resulted in my beauty. 4 years later, its sale value has actually gone up by a grand.

Once upon a time, I sold Toyotas for a living whilst figuring out life. In fact, I sold them for about 2 years.

Does anyone else see eyebrows and a mustache?

There is an F1 joke in there, somewhere

This is what happens when a BMW runs out of Blinker fluid

Just had a 2018 Nissan Armada, loaded to the 9s, as my rental for a few days. Its surprisingly easy to drive and comfortable, especially compared to the Tahoes I usually rent.

Good thing I dumped cable for streaming years ago :/

I’m not sure they were worth 14,500 when new.

It took me 3 tries to figure out that the sound was muted on purpose in the beginning.

Now playing

That “HOT” Commercial was a smaller, sadder version of the 1984 Corvette commercial.