
I was riding my CBR900RR with my friend, who was on a busa, and we were out for one last ride before I moved away. As we went from a smaller hwy to the larger one, I noticed the tell tale blue LEDs of a police bike behind us. I flashed my high beams at him, but it was too late- VROOOOOOOOOOOoooooooommmmm.....

Just last week, my rental Tahoe got a puncture and all they had to replace it was an Expedition or a Journey. Seeing how I didn’t need the extra space anymore, I went with the Journey to “have an easier driving experience”. I managed a whooping 18.9 mpg and a car with less than 10K miles on it was hesitating at low

Seattle wants to do this, except they don’t have the whole “mass transit” thing quite figured out.

Is that vacuum gauge on the Mustang where a boost gauge would go?

I’ll bet that Land Rover has more TQ than any other Land Rover in history!

I hope Jalopnik digs deeper into the corruption that is Sound Transit and WSDOT. The public was informed that there would be PTC before this line was ever opened.

Lol that means my friend’s Aventador would NOT qualify as a Supercar, with its measly 700HP.

Is there any other car in its class that retails for $45K and has $33K in options? It also still looks.... plain.

My only issue (and reason I bought a Shelby instead) is that these have insane maintenance and tires requirements for a 20K used car. The dealer told me to budget $250 a month for just maintenance items, and another $1500 a year if I wanted decent tires.

Usually, these videos are full of “Holy shit, Oh F’ Oh Shit.” This one started out with “Oh my goodness”

At the time, I had a 2000 Corvette that was prepped. It was making about 550HP out of a built LS1 and lots of track goodies.

Funny that the concept would have burned oil, just like the real thing!

“...leading us to believe that this particular user was impaired in some way.”

Counter point: My dad LOVES the CUE system in his ELR

Hey, who do you think you are! Close the damn hood, I’m trying to sleep!

Right or wrong, I wish Bob Lutz would quietly slipp into retirement and dream about the “modules” that will dominate the freeways in 10 years.

Except the “go” part was his fault.

I wonder if any of those 2600 cars sold for more $ at Mecum in 2017, due to this oddball option

Neat, but not $4,000 neat.

I see Fancy Kristen let you do a story with her grocery getter.