
Texas spring days aren’t humid and he was calmly sitting on the seat and not panting at all...I belive my wife, who has a freaking degree in animal science, knows damn well when it's too hot to walk off for more than 5 shut your cock holster you ignorant fucking sasquach.

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Those wheels are going to be heavy and wreak havoc on the suspension of any vehicle they are on. A heavy wheel will have enough momentum that they will not follow the bumps in the road, and even worse when hitting a pothole will jump and stay off the ground longer than a lighter wheel.

Neat! Old comics FTW

This is automotive news? Because of the dealership? Really?

Yesterday a video of a Miata bumping into a wall was called “shocking.” Adjectives don’t mean much anymore.

Jesus Christ, that was close!

Ha! I was about to post the same video.

So, lets see how jack stands hold up.

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I posted this in a previous thread also. It’s a video showing how the shifter in question works.

Read up on their history. The Harley you know today was not the same as the one that began. They made track bikes. Performance was their brand. They’ve transformed and stayed relevant way more than they’re giving credit for

Maybe a dumb question but for this sort of long range application with the generator on board, why would the truck need that big of a battery?I get the fact that it acts like a giant capacitor for accelerating or long hills but unless the idea is to plug it in at night and charge the batteries and then use the

It is more akin to a diesel locomotive than a Model S.

7000 * $375,000 = $2.6B, so I’m guessing they have $2.3B in orders, but only $10M in deposits.

The Audi owner is accustomed to replacing control arms every 7 miles anyway, so they just gunned it and got the weight transferred to the rear.

Found the story, your not going to believe this:

What sadistic bastard chose that soundtrack?

Who said they would be giving this to their kid new. You know the tech has to start sometime. Used cars don’t just spontaneously gain new features...