
Geez, it's like these people don't understand that having clearance and "need to know" are two different things.

"I'm sure Bobbi got that and there will be repercussions."

Yeah, Bobbi specifically said to go in with "icers only", so why did Skye have to try to deflect an actual bullet fired from Calderon? He got what he deserved.

Regarding the epilogue, did anyone else think that Dr. Faustus had a hand in Arnim Zola's development of the algorithm HYDRA used in Captain America: The Winter Soldier?

Agreed. He attacked Simmons and Coulson whom he didn't trust and Bobbi (resenting her for forcing him to keep secrets from Hunter?) but not Fitz. The Berzerker Tile he touched didn't make him "not him" as Coulson suggested. It just made him capable of violently acting upon his feelings as some Kree defense against

Exactly. Also, even before Terrigenesis the average Inhuman has enhanced physical capabilities.

Seriously. My boyfriend has taken to calling Coulson "Agent Mansplain" because of his dramatic speeches and "explanations".

Great episode and I loved that they established Whitehall/Reinhardt as a stand-in for Josef Mengele, because it was a reminder that HYDRA are unmistakably Nazis. Speaking of which, why is everyone calling it dissection when she appeared to be alive for some of the cutting? That was vivisection, which was something