
Sentient Worlds Observation and Response Department?

Yeah, RIP Agent Davis. The actor, Maximilian Osinski, is married to Dichen Lachman (Jiaying).

I actually thought of "Clueless", since that movie was the first time I'd ever heard the song.

I am so glad we gays don't use that rule.

No, I think it's just that she's immune to the Westermarck Effect (Jason) and has some serious daddy issues.

Bud and Coyote weren't competent in installing the pane correctly and it fell out? Look at what they did to the TV…

In my head he's Nathan Archibald Andrews, especially after this episode.

I'm really coming around to enjoying her on screen. My boyfriend and I had a serious problem with her early on because it seemed like she was "acting" in every scene (bear with me), like she was trying to perform an approximation of human interaction, and it made her come off as really creepy. Now we get that it's

Honestly, I'm surprised the writers were allowed to use anything related to Viper, but it was probably fine since the one in "the Wolverine" was such a bust and called herself "Dr. Green".

My boyfriend, who hates the show and calls it "Agents of Mansplain", took notice of Fitz's hotness in this episode.

Still hate her, even if she's right, because her actions in the Grundy affair came from a need for revenge and had nothing to do with the "wheels of justice". After getting a well-deserved hit from the grieving Mrs. Blossom, you'd think she'd be a little less eager to stir shit up but no, she gets worse each episode.

Seriously. Sheriff Keller isn't bad either, tbh.

"Space Satan" sounds like an excellent cover band name.

Besides, it vibrates.

Talbot mentioned it was derived from Mr. Hyde's serum after Simmons asked if it was based on Erskine's program, which made her hella pissed.

He was also on the new 90210 a few years back.

As long as they don't slingshot it into the Sun. There are two artifacts that SHIELD has had in their possession where that would probably be hazardous to the Solar System: the Darkhold (just a hunch) and the missing gravitonium.

Maybe Vijay is going through a second Terrigenesis in a similar way to the Unspoken. He was the king of the Inhumans before Black Bolt and has the ability to continually use Terrigen to change himself at will (Inhumans can generally only change once). I imagine there's still some residue in the ocean at this point.

This whole replacement of SHIELD agents with LMDs reeks of the Deltite Affair and if this is one thing they choose to adapt from the comics, it's got the most comedic and dramatic potential. I'm totally on board.