
Why the eagerness to hold Joan and Cherie responsible for a brutal rape? They were there or they weren’t, and if they were there I certainly hope they didn’t tease Jackie about it. But even if they did, the criminal is the rapist. I fully understand Jackie being hurt and holding a grudge if it all went down as she

I think it’s easier for everyone to turn this into a question of whether Joan Jett — a famous person we’ve all heard of — did something ethically/humanly questionable back when she was 16. But what we really need to be focusing on is the grown man and rapist who committed these atrocious acts. Not only did he

Joan and Cherie both say they weren’t there. The story about Cherie supposedly being there and laughing is what gives me pause, because with Cherie’s history it seems so unlikely....

“I’m still not exactly sure why Joe Theismann is ever invited on TV” FULL FUCKING STOP.

Not quite a fair fight because Broussard is a known idiot and known to be terrible at his job. My sports fanatic husband who is addicted to ESPN will straight up turn the channel when that guy comes on the screen. He’s known to make up utter BS and pull “facts” out of the clear blue sky—-he’s as much an actual

Between 2 NFL players blowing parts of their hands off with fireworks and #DeAndreGate, it’s been a great few days to be a sports fan on Twitter.

always team cuban

Chris Broussard is one of the worst NBA writers around, and Cuban is a consistently entertaining/intelligent team owner that is highly invested (both emotionally and financially) in the well-being of his team first and the league second.

Team Cuban. Chris Broussard is known to lie and make shit up in the hopes that it is true. I’ve never understood why ESPN keeps him around.

I believe the prefered name is Zombie Jew.

How does someone with his lack of skills, who has a face for radio and a voice for the deaf still have a job?

SOURCES: Billionaires don't have to drive themselves anywhere, because they are billionaires.

Sources say epaulets are goddamn ridiculous.

Nothing new here. Broussard has never been one to take pride in his work.

The final cherry on this sundae. The Mavs get fucked, Cuban looks like an idiot, and Chris Broussard is still made to look worst of all.

Wait, does this not break HIPAA?

“While you’re in Texas, watch out for rapists and, I assume, some good people.”

They are people. Everything bad is made of people. Sigh.

Jason Pierre Paul tweeted what looked like a peace sign beside the words “Just saying hi.”

Chris Paul is like Kobe Bryant without the rings to give him a pass for his behavior.