
If you don’t want to be an asshole by association, maybe don’t use Reddit.

For instance, Gawker has Jordan Sargent and Sam Biddle, but that doesn't reflect on the commentariat.

Why wouldn't they listen to their content creators? Reddit doesn't make anything. Their community does.

60% of Reddit users are women, and it has some pretty positive feminist spaces. While I agree some of the loudest idiots on Reddit are misogynist jerks, most aren’t. I think many among those 100,000 would share your viewpoint on why she’s a bad CEO, and many people really liked Victoria.

It’s no fun to judge from on high if Reddit isn’t a homogeneous, misogynist monolith.

Transwomen aren’t “women”. Transmen aren’t “men”. They are both, by some, included under the umbrellas, but the fact that a subreddit goes by the name of 99.9999% of what biological women are is not a problem. It’s just whining about reality to complain about it.

*Waits for 4-5 Jez writers to tell you how dumb you are*

I usually hate when reddit people come over here to defend reddit but in this case, ain’t no problem. Especially Jez sites. I hope you never see Jez’s “Flygirl” site. That would be whatever part of reddit is the place where wealthy white women go to other countries and act like those people are savages. I would link

You do realize that there are a whole lot of people out there with 2 X chromosomes? And most of that group is women?

No, I didn’t. I mentioned twox and then said there are dozens of other women/feminist focused subreddits. Twox would fall into the former moreso than the latter. And, by the way, there are millions of cis-women who are transphobic. Right or wrong that’s their view, they’re upset that all matters and forums about women

I’m with you on this—I avoided using Reddit for years (especially after the Fappening) based off of its terrible reputation. My husband would show me cute puppy pictures and mention other interesting things about TV shows we watch so, I took the plunge. There’s a LOT of filth out there, but it’s pretty easy to avoid.


Reddit, a popular site for creepers and fans of upskirt shots

This cracks me up how much this website hates Reddit, considering that it gets about 50% of its stories from Reddit about 8 hours after Reddit posts them. Are there horrible subreddits there? Yes. It is easy to stay away from them. You have to actively seek them out. It’s not like upskirt photos make it to the front

100% agree, would be like someone calling twitter users ‘fascist manbabies’ because Gamergate is a thing on there.

There is no “they”. Reddit users are not a monolith. r/twoxchromosomes has 3+ million subscribers. I’m not going to go through and list all the other dozens of women/feminist focused enormous subreddits. The entire point of reddit is that whatever you are into is available there. If you are a feminist, it’s available.

Sigh, people like this are why I stick to r/fountainpens.

Reddit had over 3,000,000 logins last month. You’ll forgive me if I’m not impressed by 100,000.

Reddit has like less than 60 employees ( was 5 in 2010), so without question.

I signed the petition as I think Ellen Pao is not a good CEO and should be ousted, which is what the petition is about. You are entitled to your opinion, but please don’t call those who signed it “racist/misogynists.”