not a lawyer but I slept in a holiday inn express

I’m not talking about the standard for the internet or liberal arts classes; I’m talking about the legal standard. Actually, I do not give a shit about this at all. You can think whatever you want. I don’t care.

Yeah, I very much understood your point. But I don’t think the standard is whether a marginalized minority considers a word offensive. There is probably a minority group that finds nearly everything offensive.

Fair enough. And I might personally agree with that movement. But that doesn’t change the fact that, in the 70s or whenever, Redskins probably wasn’t considered wildly derogatory; and, in my understanding, that’s the legal question.

Actually, one of the crazy things about the cancellation (if I understand the law correctly), is that offensiveness is supposed to be measured as of the time the PTO granted the mark, not when the suit was filed. So, back whenever the PTO registered Redskins (the 70s?), was it so much more offensive than the things