That'll show him!
That'll show him!
I like how every weirdo in a 20 mile radius wants to be best friends with Bob.
Dante for sure would work for Neolution
I know the clones are hard up for allies but picking Randal from Clerks might be a mistake.
Wow, everything about that “therapy” session sounds so staged and obnoxious.
I would suggest Jester Gundam.
So they have episodes of shows that have already aired? How is that a threat?
So she is Skye/Daisy from Agents of SHIELD?
I don’t know, that way of thinking could play really well post Trump.
I know. Wouldn't curing cancer or solving global warming be better than mind control and Darth Maul statues?
The entire Monk storyline is so disappointing. The Doctor fighting against "benelovent" dictators would have been so more interesting than the generic authoritarian story we got.
The Monks plan for work domination.
1.Make somebody ask you nicely to take over the world.
2.Turn world into Soviet Union.
None of this is true.
This sounds insufferable
Mission Hill > Downtown
Tiny Toons > Animaniacs
Steven's greatest power is his ability to relate to emotional lesbians.
Also what madman puts a spinning combination lock on the airlock?
I’m betting on Sami Zayn. He just beat Baron Corbin and is the only babyface not currently in a feud.
Spider-Man 2 is overrated. The entire Mary Jane plot is garbage that completely derails the movie.