Not a Holiday

And the Libertarians who back those Religious Liberty laws are in my opinion wrong. But Remember that Libertarians like all political parties disagree about things. Just look at Gary Johnson who publicly came out against those type of laws.

Yes, Libertarians are for LGBT rights and have been calling for criminal justice reform for decades.

But South Park's influence on the election was so small and irrelevant that adding it to an already gigantic list is pointless.

That was because every website had a daily Jon Stewart brutally takes down X article.

I understand the big fine but what is the rationale for giving the Astros 2 draft picks?

Extinction is the worst one.

WWE does video packages of black wrestlers of the past in February

Adventure Time was about growing up from childhood to young adulthood. Regular Show was about becoming an actual adult. Those two themes back to back worked so well together.

Where is Tiger Mask W?

Regular Show always had a sense of fun that made it unique and special. And I have to give props to whoever decided to air Adventure Time and Regular Show back to back. Those two shows played off each other so well.

The mystery should be how Debra Jo Rupp doesn't seem to age.

For being completely broke Burns sure was able to fund a ton of expensive things.

So Trump and Lewis were working together to sell comic books? Genius!

yes, you don't treat them the same as someone who stomped on your feet on purpose.

They should have turned Suck it, Gary! into a series. Or just made more TripTank.

Nowhere in this article do you suggest what crime they would charge Trump with in order to impeach him.

It has to be one or the other.

Is the Internet still angry with Schumer or is she the best?

Lisa was so insufferable this episode. She gives away all of her possessions because ? and get anxiety for a scene then is magically cured when other people listen to her play jazz.
Marge really needs a thing. Maybe a job or a hobby or anything besides housework

Unions needs to start working with and giving money to Republicans.