The Republicans are also not conservatives.
The Republicans are also not conservatives.
“The domestic spying, myriad of government agencies with overlapping domains and massive costs and global unending counterterrorism war with military bases all over the world is extremely expensive and not very effective when you look at it objectively.”
Exactly. It is the same line of thinking that creates calls for socialism. The fear of the unknown. They want government to control and protect them from everything. It’s funny this article was written by Hamno.
Open carry means in a holster you fucking piece of shit.
You can voice your frustration if it regards white people, especially men. Anything else is off limits.
Her nickname is Halle Scary. She is not a nice person.
Exactly. Look at Syria and Libya. This is all you really need to know.
You are obviously a troll.
Show me a logical argument for Hillary.
I am going to blame you when WWIII breaks out with Russia because you voted for Hillary.
“Hillary is a wonk, she’s not a showwoman.”
I know you think you are really smart, but your not. Smart people do not spend most of their lives posting on Jezebel.
People just like to relax and turn off their brains at night. You should get off your high horse and try it sometime.
I hope they sue your stupid ass next. How are you still employed?
Even people with journalism degrees from Columbia.