
There's nothing I've stated that even resembles my disrespect towards overweight people. You and other commentors that are demanding "respect" for them are knit-picking an issue that really goes deeper into social behavior and perception in general. Im simply stating that the sympathy we should have towards

You you make the assumption that every overweight person is shamed right out in public when in reality most overweight individuals in social settings really dont have a problem getting along and being around with others . No mature adult is eyeing them up and down and making insensitive remarks as if they are going

I dont know what responses you expect from your question but from a personal standpoint i dont think being around overweight people in public is really an issue in America , i just haven't been attracted to one in general but im sure theres vast amounts of BBW lovers out there

What this really comes down to is aesthetics and have little to nothing to do about "fat acceptance".
What exactly are we accepting from overweight people anyways? People clearly understand that they have the right to overeat on vast amount of food but overweight people also have to understand that others have the

This is pretty much the double edged sword when it comes to this sort of confrontation with overweight women.

Boy was this awkward watching the fat lady episode with my fat roomate that pretended he was on the phone during the last monologue.