Yeah. I just find it funny that once again the folks who are against worker protections are also upset when it turns against them.
Yeah. I just find it funny that once again the folks who are against worker protections are also upset when it turns against them.
You make it sound as though the Right didn’t hate Jews in the first place.
Also naming your twitter “@real” as if you are famous.
100% can say whatever you want...whenever you want...and generally not be remanded by your government entities (cf. yelling “fire” in a movie theater or “bomb” on an airplane). But you sure as shit can be fired, ridiculed, ostracized, and denigrated for saying stupid shit. Freedom of Expression is freedom of…
The fact she uses “real” in her Twitter handle makes me want to make a parody account...
Like, maybe, and I mean MAYBE there is a germ...if she was a government employee, and her comments were solely in the sphere of public comments on a publicly disputed issue, and there is no relation to her position as a government employee and the comments made....nope, I changed my mind, there is no germ.
Yea, when you cede the moral high ground to fucking ARAMARK, you might want to reassess your life.