I think that not sourcing locally is an issue also, thanks so much for sharing your perspective with me.
I think that not sourcing locally is an issue also, thanks so much for sharing your perspective with me.
Ooh! Thanks for the link, looking forward to reading more about it.
Soooo creepy!
Yeah, me too. It was cute and sly, but we get the point.
Thanks for the link. I actually did read that post. It still doesn't specifically answer how you help kids go to school who aren't allowed to attend school without shoes or how you get people to donate to charities who otherwise wouldn't.
Agreed. Also, when is it ever a good time to have one? With a meal, it's way too much, between meals ruins your next meal. Doesn't make sense. If only they made them in tiny little sizes...
Oh, God! That was damn funny. :)
I'm 34 and have a grey streak at the front of my part. I don't mind it and I'm definitely too lazy/cheap to color it. Other people tell me they "love it" (mostly people who aren't gray themselves) and that "it looks good because my face looks young."
I'm a silver vixen!
Ah! The More You Know about poison ivy repellant, thanks!
This is more about TOMS as a business model. I saw posts downthread that made some interesting points about TOMS being an example of bad aid and some that said TOMS is just getting rich and the company doesn't actually care about kids.
Oh my god. How awful that Elizabeth had to tell her she didn't appreciate her line of questioning. Elizabeth is amazing and one of my heroes.
I have the opposite of that.
Such a good point. I usually react better to emergency situations than I think I will, but there are always those "scream sticks in your throat" moments. It's important to remember that in a very real life situations, few people act as heroically as they think they will.
Maybe send Tracie an email? It's the only way to get corrections made, and I'm sure she'd like to fix it, too.
Oh, God! Hahaha! Sounds like a liz Lemon-ism! :)
"Bead catcher"? It's a bowl, lady.
Hahaha, this is awesome. I don't even know Stevie Nicks' music very well, but you gotta love how she's serenading her makeup artist.
Agreed! It's DON DRAPER who's super hot. Jon Hamm is above-average good looking, but not more so than people I know in real life.