Not stupid at all! And a lot of this article is very New York, which isn’t easy to understand unless you’ve lived there, so don’t go thinking it’s because you’re too“old” either! ;)
Not stupid at all! And a lot of this article is very New York, which isn’t easy to understand unless you’ve lived there, so don’t go thinking it’s because you’re too“old” either! ;)
He is also a big hero in this, and the only one really trying to protect the girl getting kicked. To be fair, he was closer than the viral hero of this post.
The guy’s Twitter handle is Platano Man. Because he’s Dominican and platanos are a part of their food culture. Plantain and maduro are both ways of referring to the same thing. The dish is actually plural. So for Googling purposes (and so you don’t get the dictator of Venezuela) it’s “maduros.”
From her explanation, it kinda sounds like their joint-rolling local stoners just accidentally mixed some of their stash in with the movie stash, but didn’t actually dose her on purpose. Would be a typical stoner thing to do.
This is such good, sane balanced advice. Your parents sound wonderful and so do you.
White with blue print, no less.
I rarely log in here, so just saw this. Wow. Thanks for your response! Interesting perspective.
Haha! That’s the one I couldn’t remember! Ah, San Antonio, Austin’s under-the-radar, but effortlessly cooler cousin.
Hope Gallery on Castle Hill! The view is great if you (carefully) climb to the top.
Someone’s gonna get run over in front of the “Greetings from Austin” one. My friend Todd owns Roadhouse Relics (the building it’s on) and he says he’s asked the City to do something about that dangerous turn. It’d be a lot less dangerous if people weren’t stupid enough to take pictures while STANDING IN THE STREET.
This is dumb and she looks fucking awesome.
Haha, awesome! You are cool and have good taste in music, too! :)
South Wind of Summer. He's in the Flatlanders.
My father-in-law’s band had a song on The Horse Whisperer soundtrack! My husband and I were in the music video! (The whole family was.)
I have the Lunette & love it!
If you get the right kind for your skin, it eventually sinks in.
Is it free all day today? I downloaded and clicked on the Full Version in-app and it still wants to charge me. :(
Is it free all day today? I downloaded and clicked on the Full Version in-app and it still wants to charge me. :(
This! So much this! The difference between watching at a Mexican bar with Univision and at a *non-Mexican* bar with ESPN is a thousand-fold.
It makes all other butters taste like Crisco