Not according to Sony’s website it isn’t.
Not according to Sony’s website it isn’t.
Not according to Sony’s website it isn’t.
Not according to Sony’s website it isn’t.
Then don’t fucking advertise a $35,000 car to sell if you can’t make a $35,000 car.
In all fairness, having only a couple mistakes is pretty good for a kinja article.
You must be new here. Splinter (and all of GMG’s) official position is that proofreading or copy editing are tools of capitalism, fascism, and conservatism used to keep progressives from spreading the gospel of socialism and shall not be used. You know, on account of the fact that that shit costs money to pay a dude…
I thought Waze was coming to carplay as well:
Sorry, but labor unions do nothing for workers that they don’t already benefit from regardless of what your proselytizing would suggest. They became useless in the 1970's once the health, safety and child labor issues were behind us.
Let’s be real here, a three year old phone isn’t that old. Yeah in the days of 2 year upgrade cycles maybe but there haven’t been that big of leaps in technology and the new iOS isn’t that big of a change. Getting it to run as well as iOS 10 shouldn’t be that difficult.
I am going to be that guy- This has nothing to do with the First Amendment. She is free to say Trump is a racist. And ESPN, a private company, is free to fire her/punish her/do nothing to her if it feels like it.
The Trackr Bravo uses a 1620 3v battery. You can get a pack of 20 for $8 on Amazon or .40 a cell. Assuming that you have replace the battery every 2 months a that is $2.40/yr or $9.60/ for all 4. Heck you can be replacing them all once a month and your still out only ~$20/yr.
The Trackr Bravo uses a 1620 3v battery. You can get a pack of 20 for $8 on Amazon or .40 a cell. Assuming that you…
Not to mention the plane is taking off, not landing like in said story. Maybe we’re supposed to play the video backwards?
No sympathy for someone shot because he or she disagrees with your federal political
Petty divisive people like you are what is wrong with this country. On both sides.
You’re being a dick, and you know you are.
Let’s not be a dick about this
“I was a parent of two and involved with the father of my children, but we weren’t in a relationship or anything.”
Forget Italy, Germany, etc... It doesn’t apply to any of the most populous Muslim majority countries, ie, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt, etc. Why? Those countries have mostly functioning governments who cooperate with our Visa review system. The seven countries included were those countries the Obama…
It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.
What Muslim ban? Muslims from Italy, Germany, etc. can still enter the country.
Aspen pet Cool Flow Pet Fountain - 50 Oz
Aspen pet Cool Flow Pet Fountain - 50 Oz
I wanna just... change... my username. ARGH!