
All of us vote for the so-called “assholes”. I’m sure you’re doing your part instead of just commenting on a blog. Do you honestly believe this guy (or any other) shooting up these people is because of a “veritable arsenal of guns”. It doesn’t take an arsenal. If only it were that easy. You make so much sense.

No, they didn’t “merely point out” anything. I believe I read “fuck them”, “fuck all of them”, “I hope his hip hurts forever”, etc. And yes, many of these comments on here have implied that “they deserved it.”

The mentality of people like the OP is the problem. Full of hate and only has rude and inconsiderate things to say. Discounts any other’s opinions but their own. The guy that shot up the baseball field is a symptom of the problem.

The mentality of people like the OP is the problem. Full of hate and only has rude and inconsiderate things to say. Discounts any other’s opinions but their own. The guy that shot up the baseball field is a symptom of the problem.

He admitted he’s being a dick so I’m not sure what your point is. But hey, not sure what your other point is either. So the gunman was someone you think was protesting the NRA by shooting Saclise? Ok.

oooh, you’re a nice one. No, not people who want sane gun laws and “health care for all”. People who can only say “Go fuck yourself with a bottle brush.” Very productive.

Because people like the OP and many of the people replying can’t put aside their hate for two minutes. They believe their opinion is the only one and attempt to degrade or discount anyone else’s. Leading to many more problems.

You’re a nice one. I hope you’re a teenager.

I agree, lots of problems. In this specific example, I’m referring to the OP that uses any opportunity to “be a dick” and say “fuck them” because he’s so full of hate he can’t take a break for just a minute. The hate is what has divided our country. Too many people consider their opinions the only truth and attack

Hate and the inability to get along is the problem.

Yes, hateful people like you are the problem. I’m guessing you’re very young but all you can do is sling insults and spew hate. Your use of irony is perplexing, your inability to use anything but insults is not.

Thanks for the sarcasm. No, it’s the mentality. It’s the hate that is dividing our country. It’s the inability to not politicize a single event but instead be hateful. You’re right about one thing. It’s not the guns. It’s the hateful people that use them. Keep focusing on the tool and not the root cause and see

You were being a dick with your first comment even though you tried to pretend in your second you weren’t. At least now you’re being an honest dick. People like you are the problem.

You can link any subject in the world to scientific research and education. But even if you wanted to go that route, this article doesn’t address either.

Politimodo. Just change the damn name to something to admit it’s a political blog now. Actually a cross between a political blog and a gossip magazine. Literally making shit up on a daily basis. “Melania clearly doesn’t want to be dealing with Trump’s shit any more than we do.” The only thing clear is that you’re

No group ever wants “their budget” cut. Which is why we’re in the financial shit hole we’re in now. Someone’s always going to be unhappy. P.S. I have no idea why this is posted to Gizmodo...

Kind of like Gizmodo won’t stop showing me the political commentary posts I don’t want to see.

Filed to “ALT-RIGHT”. On Gizmodo. Why is there even a tag for that on a blog called Gizmodo? Could anyone even tell me what Gizmodo is now?

Filed to: “SCIENCE” Why doesn’t this blog have a “POLITICAL COMMENTARY” category?

Maddie Stone knows it’s obviously climate change. Why the climatologists can’t figure that out is anyone’s guess.