
I would cringe because I've been the employee who's had to deal with shit like that, while getting paid just above minimum wage.

It's gonna be some poor cashier's first week on the job. Somebody's gonna cry.

i'm sorry, abbi. i hate bb&b. the place has a weird vibe. they sell weird cheap shit. and wth is up with their logo. REDESIGN.

The sound of pampered white ladies complaining at the returns checkout at the BB&B on 60th is awkwardly something that just fills me with joy. their completely delusional requests, refusal to understand basic logic, and inherit belief their concerns are better dealt with by someone higher up is hilarious.

"Ma'am, no, I'm sorry, but we deduct 20% off returns with no reciept."


Yeah, I have no problem on dropping coin on makeup ("This luxury eyeshadow will totally transform me, "She's All That" - style, into the goddess I know I am!") but if I have to spend $3 on a pasta scoop, I get all pissed off at how adulthood is turning out.

I was going to be really upset but as long as the coupon thing is still true, we're good.

See, I'm the opposite. If I get a $30 mascara or something I think "that could have been x home item!"

Secondeeeeeedddd. No wait, actually I fucking *adore* towels and cleaning supplies (Caldrea Black Coriander and Lime laundry stuff, omg). But makeup definitely trumps, and also I loathe Bed Bath & Bullshit. There isn't a single item in that store that you can't find elsewhere, of better quality, for less. They're the

I wonder what the Beyond part would like at the Bed, Bath and Beyond store in Welcome to Night Vale. You know Cecil is all about those 20% coupons.

I love to shop, but I don't get any pleasure from buying cleaning supplies or towels, man. Dropping $200 at BB&B [read in Abbi's voice] will never be as fun as spending that money at Sephora.

That was my first thought as well. People don't read signs or handouts. Those employees are gonna get screamed at.

For real, he's basically a frat bro. I'd hate-fuck him, though.

If you look closely, you can see the resemblance to Prince Phillip.

Ugh. As a former retail worker, I feel bad for the employees who are going to have to explain this policy change to very angry shitty asshole customers. Despite signs. Fuck.

Seriously. The royal love here on Jezebel is kind of weird, but ok, whatever.

Dear Ms. Faircloth,

But Harry (can I call you Harry?), might you at least consider some sort of advice column situation here at Jezebel?

There's an open position as housekeeper for Will & Kate at Anmer Hall.