
So do I...?

I have a $300 engagement ring because that's all he could afford, and I'm happy with it. Sure, I would have loved if he could have gotten me a nicer one, but that's what the wedding band is for; this one isn't what I'm gonna wear forever. I can't imagine spending more than a couple thousand on the wedding, though. I

Same. At 12/13 I constantly had people assuming I was older, though for some really strange reason(DD cup at 14 and 38in hips) I never got hit on.

I know a church full of Hookers; the pastor is in fact a Hooker. Not all of them are assholes, but the woman who married in and is now the pastor's wife not only carries the initials A. Hooker, but is a complete rude ass to boot.

My wedding will absolutely plan You Shook Me All Night Long...and apparently a couple Metallica songs, because that's the groom's favorite band.

Interesting. Maybe our localities have different rules, 'cause AFAIK it's not an ISD rule it's a law. I remember several times as a kid I would be at public activities and photographers would ask about my parents to get their signature or something.

That's exactly what I mean. You can't publish an image of a child without their parent's consent. And obviously a famous parent isn't going to sign anything that would expose their kids to more stalking.

In LA it is. I think Hally Berry pushed it through.

I love how my shithole of a county is more miserable than even Houston, apparently, which is widely recognized as one of the worst places to live in Texas.

I get this too sometimes but then I remind him I'm the one working full time to actually keep the roof over our heads and he usually remembers the discussions we've had about turning women into the help and it sorts out. But it sucks to be berated for not pulling your weight in chores when you literally pull every.

My future-Marine is already pretty crazy about cleaning; he is always reminding me we need to wash clothes this weekend instead of spending it all in bed, just yesterday cleaned the entire bathroom and organized my random stuff plus cleaned the kitchen just 'cause he was off and bored.

Shane West has always been hot but now that he's older it's like 100x more. I started watching Nikita because he was in it(though it was totally worth it for all the other awesomeness in the show).

Literally every one of the things it can't do is a dealbreaker for me, plus layers are amazing in PS.

He did say that she thought he was the one, not the other way around.

I often ask my fiance what I would do without him, and his response, every time, without fail, no matter the setting, is masturbate furiously.

I'm like 90% sure he comes to Jez just to be a sexist asshole. I've already had too many discussions with him about his willful stupidity.

You came to the wrong place buddy. You can't call someone out on their shitty behavior unless that person is a conservative.

Honestly I think that's a little cool, just to fuck with the patriarchy.

My mom was diagnosed with late-stage breast cancer when I was 13, and despite the fact that my dad was emotionally abusive and neglectful and beyond controlling, he stuck with her and took care of her as best as he could. My older sister and I were her primary caregivers because of course he had no clue how to do most

Ah! I see now. Thank you so much! Those are two reasons I like it, so that makes a lot of sense to me.