
I did read the article. And it’s not about hypocritical white allies, it’s not about closet racist white allies, it’s not about white “allies”, it’s about white allies, period. It outlines the two-faced nature of their racism as the reason they suck, and states that they will betray you because that’s what they do.

The Root. Breitbart for black people.

Ah. So he’s one of the good ones. Got it.

But not, y’know, white allies.

Honestly, really surprised to see the sister site of Jezebel stoop to this level.

You must be new here.

Thanks for that—but most people don’t eat brown rice, they eat white. “One cup of cooked quinoa has about 40 fewer calories than the same amount of white rice, but the real benefit is in the carbohydrates. White rice has almost 15 times more grams of carbohydrates, and quinoa provides 5 more grams of fiber and

I love the level of thinking here. “We’d all be Millionaires.” Then they discuss selling the tape for 10 or 20k.

She sounds awesome.

I would 100% disagree with this statement. It’s not expensive to eat healthy. It’s expensive to spend $8 on McDonald’s meal 3x a day, 7 days a week.

I’d say eating “clean” should mean cutting back on sugar, salt, and starches, because most people eat or drink things that contain too much of these.

Couldn’t you argue the NFL draft is the same exact thing? Prancing them around all dressed up, talking about all their measurements, breaking down their strength/speed, and talking about any family history in athletics

Yes, it would have been a terrible move. You don’t take kickers that early when you can pick football players. Janikowski has been a a pretty good kicker, but not better than a whole host of guys who went undrafted.

That chance at a top-tier kicking talent is regularly available in the 6th/7th round, rather than trading up into the 2nd. Even if he’s a generational kicker, drafting one before the 5th round is a massive waste of value.

It’s not really hindsight, when everyone knows taking kickers and punters that high in the draft is piss poor value. As great as any kicker or punter is, the number of times where their skill advantages over average players at their position will make a difference in a game is going to be significantly less than a

A good second-round gamble is the Chiefs taking a 6-foot-7 guy who played at an FCS school and hoping he becomes a starting DE. A bad second-round gamble is picking a kicker when there are plenty of similar options at his position available near the end of or after the draft.

how many other 2nd round picks end up flaming out?

The Raiders taking Ray Guy in 1st round would be the stupidest fucking draft pick ever made. I mean the guy must be 70 years old.

What a weird comment. Yeah, decisions that work out get less criticism than decisions that don’t work out.

Licht later admitted that he’s coming around on this whole gravity thing, and he’s not ready to come to a firm conclusion yet, but he is definitely starting to think that the Earth more than likely is round.