
That works. Although I believe you should “sports site” in quotes and not Brady.

Don’t get upset. I’m sure Hillary had no more to hide than the Russian Bid Federation. Just a simple misunderstanding is all.

I mean it’s exactly the same thing, you run the machines and then you destroy the evidence after you hand over what you decide the investigators need to see.

leased the computers on which it conducted its potentially shady business, but then had those computers destroyed as soon as the lease was over

This schtick could be milked for so much. He could challenge the women’s champion to a match because he doesn’t see gender. He could steal the belt and give it to some other heel loser to “redistribute” the wealth. Every time he loses a match, he could appeal it to some fake wrestling governing body and get the match

It’s called the “Vincent Foster”.

You know you’ve really made it when the local little league is sponsoring you and not vice versa.

Christ listen to the announcers! Talking about how Ellie should get a taunting technical for looking in Ainge’s general direction, then cornbread throws the ball directly in Ellie’s face and they’re like, “We cannot read Whitey’s intent...”

Is Trump really worse as of today than the 8 years of W?

You’re not trying to shutdown discussion, just asking questions to redirect the discussion towards irrelevant shit that doesn’t involved criticizing white institutions for their abuse of POC.

I don’t see why it should be included in this discussion. Since it’s a whole different subject. You know, outside of this discussion. You only hear about black-on-black crime when it’s used as a way to dilute the discussion about police violence. Other than that nobody seems to give a fuck.

Black people talk about crime within their own communities constantly. You don’t hear about it because it’s a problem that doesn’t effect or involve you, and that you only care about when you need a false equivalency to shutdown discussions about police brutality and racism.

Urban having scruples. That’s just adorable.

lol cum

A boat’s a boat, but a mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!

Few things anger me more than how the Washington media covers politics. “This policy plays well with xyz voter base” - no, fuck that, tell me how it will impact them. This isn’t basketball and gutting government under the guise of “tax reform” isn’t the goddamn NBA draft and shouldn’t be covered like it’s a game

But then they’ll say “per stop, more white people are killed!” cheerfully omitting the part where black people are stopped 10 times more.

“Cops aren’t racist, look at the statistics man. Did you know that for every black person that gets shot by the police, two white people are also shot by law enforcement” would be such a solid defense if white people didn’t outnumber black people by a margin of over 5 to 1.

“Obey by the law and I promise you will live”

I read that his name was Grayson and was unsurprised by his take.