
One thing that is pretty straightforward is that male athletes destroy female athletes in almost every competitive category. The USWNT regularly loses scrimmages against boys U17 teams, and most woman’s track and field records are comparable with boys middle school records.

And if your kids lose out on say an academic honor because other people cheated or plagiarized, would you consider that another learning experience?

If this is truly how you feel, then what’s the point of having males and females compete separately?

My girlfriend is an amateur athlete competing in a club sport that regularly travels and has a national governing body. Currently they have no restrictions on trans athletes and it’s been a real point of contention. While the overwhelming majority are open and accommodating, most of the cis women are still

I guess. It’s great that he’s supportive, of course, but he comes off pretty selfish to me, like “as long as me and mine get whatever we want, everyone else can get fucked.”

That’s a shit take

I agree with you, I don’t think its dumb opinion at all. I have no issues with transgender people, but when sports are divided into men’s and women’s competitions, there has to be some barrier so a man can’t decide one day that they consider themselves a woman and immediately start competing in the women’s division. I

It’s because she is a woman by gender identity only, which in 99% of the cases, is all that matters, but in sports, she is biologically a man with all the advantages that conveys.

This is tricky. I support trans rights, but I also support the right of cis girls to compete in sports against a level playing field. I don’t know the perfect answer, but I don’t think that allowing a 15-year-old girl to compete with what is still, essentially, a boy’s body, is it.

As Sarah notes, this is a tricky issue. As far as where transgender people want to take a piss, that’s really their business - use whatever restroom you’re comfortable in. However, this kind of thing affects other people. The biological girls that got their asses kicked in these races have a legitimate gripe, in my,

lol stop dude. Though I am glad we got “rec league expert” in here tonight.

Sooooo... if they sweep, do we just cancel next year’s season? Because as far as I can tell, the stacking of teams has finally reached the point where the entire season, regular season through the finals, has been rendered moot.

When you forced 20 turnovers and still get dubbed, you’re probably getting swept. I mean they got 27 out of Love and even bad Kyrie is a 19 pt double double. Where do they get the extra 21 pts a game?

My layups look a lot like that at regular speed.

I feel terrible for you if you’re letting a commercial ruin Thomas Middleditch.

she can have it. Shit was dumb BEFORE white people turned it into planking.

Fun fact:

This is standard at every scholarship program football school. Every one. Some coaches are less assholish about them, but they do wield this power over every athlete in their “care” Horrifyingly.

Yeah, much better that he loves the rich. That’s a good plan.

Nah its pretty invigorating. Me I rather they all be executed aith their heads put on pikes.