he was a “great captain” because every front-running mouth-breather who grew up in the 90's couldn’t wait to hitch their wagon to the next marketable “star”
he was a “great captain” because every front-running mouth-breather who grew up in the 90's couldn’t wait to hitch their wagon to the next marketable “star”
Jordan was absolutely not a great captain. There are several examples of him breaking down teammates that he didn’t feel belonged on the same court as him. While his demand for excellence from those around him definitely worked out in the end, I’d hardly say he’s the one who kept the team together as a leader. That…
Seems like john would also work, given you’re essentially paying Coach K to suck his dick.
Have you ever heard a sucker referred to as “a luke” or “a matthew” before? No, didn’t think so.
There’s a term for guys like you, and it shares a name with one of the Synoptic Gospels.
I mean if they don’t pay the point guard why should they pay this person
When someone says to you that something should be illegal, what they mean in the most simplest terms is that the government should be allowed to send men with guns to come take you away or kill you for doing it. Suffice to say, there’s a whole lot of stuff I don’t think should be illegal.
Are you really all that surprised that a school founded on a tobacco fortune would try to practice slavery?
You just made an incredibly poor argument against eliminating the social safety net. I especially liked when you likened Medicare and Social Security to a Ponzi scheme, without any apparent understanding of what Medicare, Social Security, or a Ponzi scheme actually is.
i guess i just don’t get the commentariat’s sudden harping on that post. only two of them said they would abstain. the rest, however grudgingly said they would vote for hillary.
you posted this on the internet. who paid to develop that.
Honest question: you can get $10 an hour from not working? Please cite your sources.
Yes but the problem with unregulated capitalism is you eventually run out of a taxable Middle class.
But in the meantime people in CA, NY, and IL provide the vast majority of the tax money for government services for the taker states in the south.
In my city the government used the pension money to buy a high rise, as an ‘investment’, before the real estate bubble collapsed. It now sits at less than 30% occupancy.
The problem with this argument is that CA and IL and NJ are not human beings, and that the pension crisis will affect actual human beings who spent decades in public sector jobs, forgoing higher paying work in the private sector in favor of security and, yes, that pension. When those actual people lose the pensions…
What is amazing though, is the amount of backlash his articles attract; given that the economic problems he writes about should be common knowledge.
Well the poor as a bloc largely voted for Hillary, so step one would be to not view the poor as the reason Trump is in the White House.
A “properly funded” pension system puts the money away at the right time and invests it at the right rate of return. The right time being during the career of the beneficiary.
Bullshit. It’s only a class war when both sides are fighting. Till then it’s just systematic oppression and theft.