
I demand a public apology from ESPN for working the public up into a frenzy over this fraud of a quarterback—and human being. Seriously, ESPN talks more about Johnny Douchebag in the first five minutes of any SportsCenter than they have talked about Andrew Luck this entire season.

Now playing

His end zone interruption looked a lot like his signature college play, just heave it towards a crowd, and hope for the best.

Next year he'll be Johnny Canadian Football

I'm guessing Fox regrets switching to this game last-minute from GB-BUF for most of the southern portion of the country.

Johnny College Football

Best. Sunday. Ever.

I'm actually surprised by how well he's playing. Right now, he's completing ALMOST 50% of his passes and he only has 2 (official) picks. Considering what a terrible player he is, I'd say it's a surprisingly decent debut.

I love the part where Manziel just stays down.

Oh yeah, Hoyer was clearly what was holding the Browns back.

I fell the same way about JFF as I do Justin Bieber...I hope to wake up one day and they're just simply gone.

Best defensive play by the Browns all day

That is never going to get old

Awesome. That means I get to see the Bengals play out here in California. That also means they are that more likely to lose.

The Bengals are screwed now. I've watched them long enough to know that as soon as too many eyes are watching they crumple like Alge.

you can pick your nose, and you can pick manziel, but you can't pick manziel's nose.

12/9 – Browns pick Manziel

That wasn't quite a "tepid" reaction. That was more of a "we're an all white audience and this is so spot-on it's making us really uncomfortable" response.


The Bengals fans in question were given a hefty fine for this assault, but fortunately they were given an oppurtunity to work off their debt by selling beer at Raymond James Stadium.

I got $18 worth of stuff and shipping was free.

I got $18 worth of stuff and shipping was free.