
Happened with my grandparents in ‘08. Voted Republican their entire voting lives, Virginian through and through, Sons of the Confederacy, etc etc and they fucking voted for a black Democrat because Palin scared the shit out of them. They’re both gone now but I guarantee they would have voted for Clinton.

You’re mistaking the 2016 republican party with the Eisenhower era GOP. Trump is the personification of today’s republican party, and there’s no way Hillary can fairly be included as being a mainstream republican any more.

“A solid portion of Democrats have committed to vote against Hillary as well.”

“I fee like people are completely ignoring the fact that their is a solid portion of his own party that has committed to vote against him.”

I fee like people are completely ignoring the fact that their is a solid portion of his own party that has committed to vote against him. It’s not just columnists, look at the counties surrounding Philly. It’s hard enough to win a republican with 100% of your own part voting for you.

I’m just pissed she didn’t get an Emmy for Season 3, cause, fuck. And OMG I was a fucking wreck when Reese saw her in that freezing car.


I was happy for Taraji when she got the Empire deal, but part of me (and forgive the inherent respectability politics angle here) was like, why did she have to go from playing such a classy character to such a hood stereotype?!

Christ, Henson was fucking spectacular in this. My heart broke in a million little pieces when Carter died.

The problem with PoI is that it wasn’t produced by CBS. Most of the other shows you mention are produced in house, which means they are a lot cheaper for the network.

I started watching regularly in the second season, and I’m still kinda disappointed I couldn’t convince more people to watch. Pretty much my favorite show on TV from season three onwards. At least they went out with a bang and with something of a real conclusion for the last season, instead of playing it safe and

This was a great show and it is a miracle it lasted as long as it did on CBS. I think the reason it survived is it started as a fairly generic, but well done, procedural with a gimmick (bread and butter for CBS) and only got deeply into the near future sci fi elements once it had built an audience.

“Can you believe how many shitty airports I’ve had to hang out in that don’t even have caviar and hooker service? Why isn’t THAT a campaign issue, I ask you?”

Best part is that it was on TV.

My New Yorker husband says Trump is on coke, also. Wild rambling, excitability, sniffling.

I’ll take “Gakked out of his tits” for $800, Alex.

Howard saying Trump is on coke is like the pot calling the kettle black. And by black, I mean Negros of color. I mean, Persons of Negros. Which I have totally employed... which is totally like housing discrimination. Which totally happened. But, you know, lawyers like Barack! And we totally just settled on that

OMFG I wanna tongue kiss Howard Dean. I thought I was the only one with the cocaine theory.

Actually, it is.

So, basically, he yet again conned the entire media apparatus into breathlessly covering every banal statement and demonstrable lie he made, and got more free advertising for his gaudy bullshit. Sounds like the last fourteen months. Keep fucking that chicken, y’all.