
But Bush II was (somehow!) better than Trumpy! Sure, it sucked that chads swiftboated him to 2 terms, but TRUMPY. IS. WORSE. Bush II may not have given a fuck, but Trumpy...he’s beyond giving a fuck. (And not only because he’d only use those fucks to buy himself a Tebow helmet for charity!)

After this week, I’m starting to mentally prepare for the previously unheard of idea that Trump may become President.

Nope. It’s not just u. I freaked out talking to my dad. He’s 91. I started freaking out and screaming. We can’t live in this world! Everything’s gone to shit. He tried to calm me down but he said to me. “I have seen many things, dealt with racism in Mass all my life. Handled most of my family dying in war, or old age,

I take it you weren’t around for the Bush II election cycles! Gurl, we been here before. I was convinced he wouldn’t happen, because surely the country was too smart to let that happen, but he happened twice.

Anybody else finding themselves sighing frequently, not enjoying things, like ice cream, as much, constantly feeling on the verge of unexpected violent tears? Anyone else get queasy when they turn on the news, cynical when they open their Facebook and wary when strangers start talking in a doctor’s waiting room that

I guarantee I’m older than your parents and people my age know perfectly fucking well how to stream.

I have a TiVo Bolt, Apple TV and a Roku with a Samsung 4K 65". I watch very few few standard cable channels.

Supernatural has always had an irreverence about itself that is so darn appealing. From the fan convention episode to the smashing the 4th wall episode (one of my all time favorite tv episodes of any show ever), to the all girl musical episode, Supernatural has not only joined in on the joke, but promoted it.

The writers haven’t made any sense starting with the second season. Their attitude of, “Let’s take everything that was amazing in season one, trash it and start over from scratch,” confuses me completely.

I can’t blame her. The show has lost the point back last season. The writing has been has been awful. To the point I watch going, “Why am I watching this?” Because I am hoping some how the writers will listen to the audience and course correct.

Even this old white lady knew Abbie was the lead character. Why couldn’t the writers figure this out?

They did. The folks that ran the first season all left to go do Skorpion over at CBS. Makes me wonder what FOX was doing to make them all leave like that. Then the season 2 showrunner declares Katrina to be his favorite character so it’s all about her and the Crane family drama, pushing Abbie to the side. They killed

Normally I wouldn’t respond to this but you asked for it so here you go.... she wanted to leave because they made it so that she had to. They didn’t respect her! They sidelined her for a white woman in the second season. It went from being the Abby and Ichabod show to being the Ichabod/Katrina show with a side order

I think Sleepy Hollow started flailing way back when they brought in the Magical Child Trope. Why do writers do that? It almost never ends well and Jeremy/Henry is a textbook example of just how bad the Magical Child Trope can go.

This is important because the writers made a black woman feel expendable in her own damn show! We get disrespected so bad and all people tell us is to wait our turn! We have so few black leads out there and they killed one of our darlings!

I guess what you’re missing is why she wanted off the show in the first place.

I remember when my big toe swelled up & hurt like a mofo, and the doctor said ‘oh, that’s gout’. I laughed in his face because I thought it was a made-up old-timey thing that had long ago ceased to occur after being folded into some other, real, modern diagnosis.

That’s one reason I like Wuthering Heights better. There’s no pretending that the awful men are great - they’re just terrible.

A) I love you but b) how dare you compare that monster to Mr Rochester (who is, admittedly, also a monster but in his own way and he atoned for it! So everything is cool and wonderful!)

Sure the stairs to the attic are “too fragile to use”. There’s NO ONE up there.