
Living in Austin, I have a couple of good liberal state legislators, although they are in the minority at the state capitol. Unfortunately, I’m gerrymandered in a US rep district that stretches all the way to Dallas, and the two US senators are horrible.

Wait, no! Don’t shoot! That’s one less reasonable voter!
(I’ll raise my glass to you from Freakin’ Florida.)

I am a Texan, tried and true. And I am 1,000,000 fucking percent with you. *Raises glass* **Shoots self**

Same here! I’ve been listening and working so I’ve missed a lot of it but firmly plan on giving it a real listen on my next long drive/commute.

I am listening to the soundtrack as I read your article. I am very unlikely to see it except in a road show three years from now, so I have nothing to lose.

That pisses me off. Even if they have an allergy, they can still be vaccinated in many cases. If they can’t be vaccinated, that’s why everyone else is vaccinated - to protect those who can’t be!

Thank you!

But I didn’t. I said this was what I saw in my state with the people I personally know. And they homeschool for different reasons than you are. I was very clear and specific.

Same with law. Got a DUI? Sorry. You can’t be a lawyer. Just got out of prison for insider trading? Here’s your license back.

I knew a lot of home schoolers growing up. My family was religious and I went to both an Evangelical high school and college. But my family was also really active in the arts, particularly music, so there were a lot of oddball families whose kids were really serious about music who were home schooling. Honestly, I

My brothers and I were homeschooled (now ages 27-38). None of us are living under bridges, but our educational achievement was directly related to our own aptitude and interest because Mom didn’t teach us anything, and the curriculum she chose was crap (hello, Bob Jones!) I finished college and travelled before

I’ve had that experience with former homeschooled kids in college, too. But having met some outside of that setting as well, I think there’s a strong selection effect whereby kids who are homeschooled for good reasons by smart parents turn out well-adjusted and go to college, and the ones who are basically just

One district in our area has about 900 students who have opted out. In our district, there are about 700, out of an average of 165,000 students.
But I don’t worry so much about my kid (who gets all his vaccinations on time), or his classmates. I worry more about the new brother or sister at home, who won’t be

Idaho’s prize is a painful rash and a month of quarantine.

white yahoos want to carry assault rifles into Wal-Mart and walk out alive. Black yahoos who pick up and wave around toy guns at stores are shot dead by the police.

Guns serve no purpose (outside of Greg’s very explicit list) in 2015 America

Lucy is going to own Ash Vs. Evil Dead. Putting her opposite Bruce Campbell is casting genius. I cannot wait.

Hunt for Red October is a classic...

Tu-95 “Bear”

God, there are plenty of people on the right just as bad or worse as Cruz ideologically, but I don't think any of them are as repulsive in every aspect as he is. No one else has that constant simpering jerks-off-in-a-mirror expression or that "I'm so taken with my own cleverness I can barely form a sentence" delivery.