Nothing bad will happen to Trump because (1) It would be wrong and (2) President Pence?
Nothing bad will happen to Trump because (1) It would be wrong and (2) President Pence?
Oh, “you are the reason Hillary lost” is another phrase y’all need to retire. Your side lacks imagination.
You guys keep saying “butt-hurt.” What do you get up to at your meetings?
Let’s keep stoking the fires! I had a bad few hours but am used to fighting. This is Texas—and my county went heavily Democratic this year. Clinton got many more votes than Obama did & other Dems did well. Texas Republicans are concerned about losing such a big metropolitan area. That’s Harris County/Houston—#4…
Gosh, that’s so original! Y’all need to vary your vocabularies. It’s obvious you have few sources for ideas.
The creepy Bannon has a less powerful position than he may have wanted. Trump wants certain things, the Republican Congress has another list of wishes & the alt.right marches to their own drum.
Yes. It’s not just the idiots who voted for Trump. It’s the Democrats who weren’t “inspired” by Clinton.
As far as who becomes President, the popular vote is meaningless. But, if she continues to lead, I’ll be sure to sneer every time the Republicans talk about a “mandate.” They don’t have one. And Trump needs to realize that he really isn’t the favorite.
GWB is an idiot. No wrinkles—always happy!
Yeah. Wife #2 only got 2 million because that marriage ended before the higher rate kicked in. Wife #1 got about 10 times that much. And Melania didn’t even break up Marriage #2—it was over before she met her benefactor.....
Keep that rage going—Trump may resign or get impeached or die. Then Pence will be installed. We need all this crooked party out of power.
Couldn’t finish that Wall O’Text. Really, learn about paragraphs.
She did what she had to do. Sleeping with an old fool is probably better than nude photos. And she’ll end up with a bunch of money if there’s a divorce. (The two previous wives did OK.) Another possibility: Rich widow!
He can redecorate the private apartment in his gold-plated Russian Gangster style. But the rooms downstairs will remain full of Old Stuff.
Trump will find a way out (health problems or impeachment) & we’ll have President Pence. Who will really make the Republican Establishment happy.
Why should they? This isn’t even much of an “article.” Just images of a very unhappy man. Almost enough to inspire empathy. But not really.
And it’s streaming on Hulu (I just looked). Since neither Eureka nor Warehouse 13 is streaming anywhere, The Librarians might help me fill the coming week’s TV-watching time without danger of seeing Political News or Political Ads.
My thought exactly. Buffy’s Demon Roommate from Hell had a non-human face—but her perky human guise was pretty scary....
Yeah. I tried to watch more of the Criterion stuff on Hulu—because I knew it Was Good For Me. But in times like this I prefer lighter entertainment. Well, Criterion did include Les Blank films...
And the last season was short. The network would only pay for 13 episodes. (Because it was not a CBS production & the network wasn’t going to get rich from its success.)