So, Doctor. What did you do to that dog?
So, Doctor. What did you do to that dog?
The “Mary Sue” trope was useful for critiquing Original Characters in Fan Fiction. I don’t find it relevant beyond that narrow use. Buckaroo & all his Cavaliers (& the Auxiliary) were all Big Fucking Heroes. Buckaroo was almost a superhero!
I saw Buckaroo Banzai on its first run. During a visit to New York City. We just thought seeing a movie one night would be a good idea & this one was convenient. I knew nothing about it—nobody did at the time.
And Chuck showed up for the musical....
I got bored with Agents of Shield a few shows into the first season. Surely it’s gotten better; it’s my duty to catch up, eventually.
Not if they are good doctors. Of course, it helps if people have considered these issues before. Not just old folks. Younger folks get in a car wreck or have an deadly medical surprise.
John Cho had a new show—Selfie. Which started out bad & I hear got better but not soon enough to prevent a quick cancellation.
Oh, so you have Daddy Issues. Get a shrink.
Some of us got plenty of rain.....
My vision continues to improve. Perhaps my ability to see sarcasm hadn’t quite recovered when I read your post....
“A brave man dies but once. Someone like you—dies a thousand times.” (Ripping off Shakespeare—always a good idea.)
I’m not getting Trump. I’m not a Republican.
The way to deal with an uninformed electorate is to inform them. ‘
Oh, no! A story with a point of view! How dare they?
Yup. You can still watch the Nature episode online. Or watch reruns—which PBS is really good about.....
I loved the LOTR movies as well. Perfect? No, but pretty fine.
Heinlein’s book explained that even those without physical qualifications for combat could sign up for some kind of service & thus gain the franchise.
“Fascism” comes from someone who’s never read the novel. And the enemy didn’t need to be “humanized.”
My recent cataract surgery was laser assisted. The ophthalmalogist said a bit of residual cloudiness might remain. Which she will zap with a laser.
Great news.