
Did casting even consider Linda Carter for one second? #sad

$5K towards student loans. I suppose at a lib arts college like that only about 200K to go.

He mostly carelessly whispered in background.

Toni Tony Tone? It feels good.

Donald Trump?

Subtitled: Also Has Stupid Poopy Face.

Still remember sneaking into this R rated movie. That scene where the alien comes out of the dudes stomach. That was brilliant set up. All happy dinner time, la la la, then BOOM. Nobody was ready for that.

commenterboi anyway.


But he said he's sorry.

If there was a show about Theon called "Detachable Penis", I'd check that out with King Missle.

Subtle. Would a shillelagh added a little flair?

Needs more Statham.

I thought I loved my job until I read this.

Yeah, Hopkins was pretty good in this one.

A larger giraffe falling out of a tinier giraffe's va jay jer would guarantee my view.

"I would never use that much math to compliment a woman—she'd never understand it". He was brilliant on 30 Rock, super under rated, agreed.

Slower, Ivanka, slower.