Nor let us down. Wtf.
Nor let us down. Wtf.
They also weren't dropping from tops of cages onto card tables either. The audience was so far away back then—they could BS most of the action and still get the pops.
Why did he let the female hitman live who tried to kill him in the Continental? I mean, I know it went back eventually to the management taking care of the problem—but where did his sense of mercy suddenly arrive from?
Roger Daltry screams.
Double tap to the head.
I have a closet of them. Jeez.
You midevil dickweed!
Tremendous. Fantastic.
I might have over shot that punchline.
I'm staying. Finishing my coffee.
I never stopped.
The behind the scenes extras on DVD includes a segment titles close to "An intimate look at the acting progress with Ice Cube" which is fucking hysterical. Seek it out. "If I mad, I'll look down like this….fuckin' acting".
Wild card, indeed.
Well, it's easy to like Cube. He'll shoot a motherfucker in a minute. Then next thing you know? He'll find a good piece of pussy, and go up in it.
It was the weakest of Saturday morning fare in the 70's, on after all the cartoons were over. It was watch that or go outside. Wait for Isis. Not the terrorist organization, but the other C card adaptation for girls.
You won the internet today.
So yesterday afternoon?
urine good company.
They have bologna in their slacks it is said.