
When something works, it works. Timeless classic. It says "I'm the Queen of Idontgiveafuckistan".

Rockin' the argyle. Noice.

Pfft, everything mixes with smashmouth.

It's hard to watch his films knowing what a completely horrific human being he is.

I love it when articles affirm my life choices. I feel even smarter now. I mean more smug.

Yeah, in syndication Batman ran Monday through Thursday, Green Hornet was on Friday. I remember my mom yelling to me outside when it was time to watch on Friday. Happy memory.

A very very very small percentage of the child actor population.

Yeah, but pretty much all kid actors are.

I am seeking out Lyin' Bitch and The Restraining Orders. Hope they are on vinyl. Hate to miss the subtleties.


The shoulder dip, the staccato ending of just about every sentence….

His acting is on par with the writing/story line. You have to overlook SO much on this show to enjoy it. He's not brilliant, but he's miles above where he started. Fake it 'til you make it.

Hey Carl, hold my barbed wire encased baseball bat while I stand on balcony 20 feet above ground with my back turned to you. It's not like you want to kill me or anything.

Carl's acting has improved tremendously since the first couple seasons.

You'll be back. And Trump isn't fucking around, this is how his brain really works. There's probably important things he needs to be reading and learning to run the country but he's watching an unwatchable show instead because he is butt hurt.

In your heart, maybe

Going to go hokey. Beach Boys "Wouldn't it be nice". How you thought love was supposed to be before you learned how shitty the world really is.

Sweet is awesome. Glad to see Bautista doing well, too.

wikki wikki wikki womp.