and that is still kinda funny.
and that is still kinda funny.
It's more like comparing Sugar Ray to Smashmouth?
Yeah, BMG record club—it was hard to find 10 you wanted, i wound up with Lo Fidelity All Stars, too.
Tell me why.
The ratings were higher when they were against WCW. Go figure.
Also going against Monday Night RAW. There might be fights for the remote at many a trailer.
(slowly puts deadpool costume back on shelf, keeps the swords)
Are those Florscheim shoes?
I found Leverage way too 'cutsie'. Cutesy?
Well I just you're just going to have to tune in next week.
Here for you.
only sheeple don't think so.
Please let Alan Hunter be the father. Maybe Dan Cortez.
Somehow I don't see him in mustard stained white tank top manhandling children around the house, or on a private jet.
the director's name sorta looks like fuck you. heh heh heh heh.
God forbid anyone yell at the children to behave.
I loved The Incredibles. I thought it was brilliant. Crap.
Sadly, I do. Fortunately, I have found pride over rated.